Military Uniforms for Die Koalition der Heimatverteidigung
The standard uniform for Heimatwelt soldiers, it comes in multiple variants, but all of them have the same style. Just different camouflage. Each soldier is allowed to customize his uniform slightly, though the baseline issue must be kept the same, for uniformality.
Städtische Baseline-Kampfuniform
The Urban Baseline Uniform has grey boots, and a black grey pattern on the pants and blouse. The trousers and tucked into the boots and the laces of the boots are covered by a water resistant flap, which matches the color of the boots. The trousers have a pair of small pockets near the boots. Along with large cargo pockets near the knees. Above the right cargo pocket is a clip for the fatigue cover. The belt is black and has clips for hang down magazines and holsters. The undershirt is a light grey and gets tucked into the trousers. The blouse has 8 buttons going up the chest, and a 9th on the neck that is not used. Another belt goes over the blouse and belt of the trousers, holding more ammunition and canteens. The fatigue cover holds the soldiers rank. During combat the soldier adds a sash over his chest, connecting to the belt, and trades the cap for a helmet.
Grassland Issue Kampfuniform
The Grassland Combat Uniform is used for a large amount of combat, as most of the world is grassland. The grey boots are replaced for a tan pair, the camo is changed to reflect the tall grass, and the undershirt is changed into a tan one. The camo fatigue cover and helmet are replaced with grassland camo.
Forest Issue Kampfuniform
The Forest Combat Uniform is used mostly for coastal ground forces, as most of Hiematwelts coasts are forest. The boots are kept the same as the BUU. While the camo is changed into forest camo, along with varying types for the seasons. The helmet itself is base green, but comes with an additional cover to add to the camo.
Wetland Issue Kampfuniform
While Heimatwelt doesn’t have many wetlands, it does have the combat uniform for outside activities. The Wetland Combat Uniform has replaced the ankle high boots into knee high rubber boots that go over the trousers. The rubber boots themselves are camouflaged, instead of having a straight color. The fatigue cover is replaced with a camo boonie cap. And the helmet receives a brim around the edge. Gloves are also supplied for combat operations.
Rain Forest Issue Kampfuniform
The Rain Forest Combat uniform borrows the long boots from the WCU, along with the boonie cap. The sleeves of the RFC are commonly rolled up to keep the soldier from overheating. The camo is replaced with a Rain Forest camo.
Hot Desert Issue Kampfuniform
The H-Desert Combat Uniform is the exact copy of the C-Desert Uniform, just without the overcoat, able keep the soldier cool in the rare hot desert. The sleeves of the blouse have been removed from just above the elbow, creating almost a Tshirt like appearance, and the camo had been changed into desert. The boots are tan, like the GCU. The helmet is always worn and has a neck cover, along with a brim and a visor that can be removed for night operations. Goggles are hung from the place where the fatigue cap would normally be
Cold Desert Issue Kampfuniform
The C-desert uniform is used when combating Shayeda tribesmen. The uniform has a thicker overcoat that is put on over the HDCU blouse, the helmet is still always worn, and the visor and goggles are still worn. Gloves are also hung near the goggles. Depending on the soldier, a bandanna is attached to the helmet to be pulled over the face during storms.
Tundra/Taiga Issue Kampfuniform
The Tundra Taiga Combat Uniform is akin to the CDCU uniform, but keeping a longer blouse and changing the camouflage. The uniform has a leather coat, with a white outside to blend into the snow, depending on the soldiers choice, it can either be a trench coat or a jacket. When it is not snowy the soldiers shred their coats as their blouses have more padding than normal blouses.