The Dragon Sea Geographic Location in Ghemjana | World Anvil
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The Dragon Sea

The Dragon Sea is the easternmost ocean surrounding the continent of Hestoria.     It is a deep, stormy ocean, with large hurricanes forming deep within its expanse and hurtling towards shores with devastating consequences.

Ecosystem Cycles

During the early fall, tropical storms form as the colder air meets the warm air of the ocean, clashing together and gaining strength until the crash against the shores of Hestoria.  Some say the regularity of the storms is natural, while others mutter the Storm Giants must be up to something in their cloud kingdoms.

Localized Phenomena

The Dragon Sea is know to have roving whirlpools that spontaneously form and move through the water, ending as soon as they started.
Alternative Name(s)
Dragonturtle Ocean
Location under


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