Winedark, Chapter Thirty-Two Report in Gavros | World Anvil
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Winedark, Chapter Thirty-Two

General Summary

Wherein the Blasters attend to various activities while a fleet assembles   The Sea Sibyl Loshi Saltbloom estimated it would take about a tenday for the "distraction fleet" to be gathered and outfitted before heading to Scaraval. The Vastblasters took it upon themselves to see about assorted tasks during this lull.  

Kharlo and the Netmender

Kharlo Chondricht. flush with his relatively newly found power as a Stormtooth, decided to see out a previous acquaintance--Izzak the Netmender (as seen in Winedark, Chapter Eleven) in the hopes that she could shed more light on where his journey may take him.   It appears that Izzah, perhaps because of her former--albeit now tenuous--connection with Kogos, has seen some of Kharlo's exploits through his own eyes. Strange! Kharlo, however, took great satisfaction in regaling the erstwhile Stormtooth with a more detailed (and more embellished) version of those events. After sharing that, Izzak offered what insight she could, which, admittedly, wasn't much. She did assert, however, that she hasn't heard anything like what Kharlo has described in any Stormtooth story she's ever come across. This, for better or worse, makes him unique.   Also making him unique is the finial he carries with him, which happens to somehow contain the spirit or essence of his sister, Tenkhi. Finding a quiet moment alone in his cabin, Kharlo attempted to reach out and "talk" with her. His efforts were successful and the conversation revealed that Tenkhi seemed to have "woken up" in the finial after dying at sea against the Alerki Ascendency, and, while she enjoys wielding the power of Kogos, this isn't really the life--or afterlife--she envisioned for herself. Her seemed to fade away for the moment, leaving Kharlo with much to ponder.  

Pitch and the Ghosthair

Meanwhile, Captain Pitch, in the process of getting the VastBlaster ship shape, was invited to visit Wilreth Elvalor, Ascendency "ambassador," at their earliest convenience. It turned out that now was, in fact, convenient, so Pitch headed to the Black Fiddle to see what it is that the Ghosthair wants. And what Elvalor wants is a thing indeed--he desires Pitch, or as he calls her "Envoy," to steal Instrument, as such a mighty weapon, possessed at precisely the right time, could only increase Ascendency power and control over both Keshloam and the Drembari Isles. When pressed what might happen if the Bari refused to accede to Ascendency control when faced with destruction, Elvalor seemed unconcerned, as whatever remained of the Isles when Vo'ku'a was vanquished would also suit Ascendency purposes. It is a win-win, really.   While Elvalor seemed to be asking Pitch/Envoy to do this task, he also stated that all Ascendency assets, including both Elvalor and Envjoy, serve at the will of the Sovereign. It was unclear as if this was intended as reminder or a threat.   Upon leaving, a box--the very same box Pitch stealing all those years ago as Envoy (see Winedark: Envoy's Five) also leapt into her hands. Perhaps viewing this as measure of good will, Elvalor gave the box to Pitch, claiming that the Ascendency always rewards its good and useful citizens.   Inside, Pitch found a Blade of the Coven--the very same Coven she draws her power from--with a squirming eye in its hilt. As the eye of the blade stared back at Pitch, she could hear the voice of Grandmother Neremyn whisper in her own head. It seems that the Coven has even more literal eyes on Pitch now, and will surely be interested in whatever move they next make.  

Irk and the One-eyed Sailor

Irk had some business to address vis a vis an egg. He was overdue to head back to the Deep Dark and seek out Designer to see what can be done to "unfossilize" his egg. But first, he thought it was a good idea to come baring gifts, specifically a nice carved sigil of Rhagtar. To do this, he acquired, with the help of Water, a nice piece of Ullmfisst and carved a beautiful black fishhook. Thus armed, they ventured the few hours journey to the particular Deep Dark that housed Designer. The cleric greeted them and accepted Irk's gift with thanks and reverence. Then he informed Irk that the ritual binding the egg in its fossilized state could, in fact, be undone. But it will be up to Rhagtar to determine what that might mean--life or death for the egg. To do this, Irk must venture to a stronger place of Rhagtar's power--a Deeper, Darker temple now abandoned. It will surely be dangerous so he should gather his friends. He also cautioned Irk to think about the result they wished for, and to maybe make sure that Rhagtar featured prominently in their personal pantheon for the foreseeable, as the god can be fickle and jealous of other deities.   With that, Water and Irk headed back to the ship to both get a good night's sleep and convince the other Blasters to help them either crack or hatch an egg.  

To the Deeper Darker

It turns out that the Blasters didn't need much convincing, as they were perhaps itching for some adventure. So the next morning found our crew heading out to the Deeper Dark of Rhagtar.   Before they could even leave Awa Harbor, adventure came for them. This time it was in the form of a giant sentiant sunflower-type plant called Crodguk who knew everyone's secrets and requested liberation from the confines of The Iris Palace, the shop of Yillrek, a hapless gardener who somehow "awoke" the plant's consciousness.   They decided to plant Crodguk in the soil of Awa with plenty of room to stretch out. They did just that, and Crodguk was very thankful for that, telling the Blasters they now had a friend in the expanding giant sunflower and this has happened before--the plant awakes in a new body, is conscious for a time, and then seemingly retreats back into slumber. Our heroes briefly wondered if this was because of Gnet, but had little time to ponder this further as the Deeper Darker still called.

Arriving at the Deeper Dark revealed it to be just that--deep and dark. Our adventurers wandered into the cave and navigated deeper into its passages. There was an eerie (and violent) confrontation with some elvish ghosts wielding very sharp swords. Irk in particular found himself the target of these blades before the sword wraiths faded away.   As if that wasn't enough, the chamber that held Rhagtar's symbol (and thus, his power) was in the process of being corrupted by foul zealots of Zemtris. This clearly could not be allowed to happen, so another fight commenced. This one featured a quite unnecessary amount of poison. But these acolytes met their end, and Irk busied himself with a solid prayer to Rhagtar. To his great surprise, the god appeared to him as an apparition of a bearded sailor missing one eye and stomping around his altar with a cane. Irk, thanks to some deft understanding of religion, was able to convey to Rhagtar that this egg needed to live, and live with him. Rhagtar, being much bemused, tapped the egg with his cane and Irk felt a tiny heartbeat reverberate in the egg.

Their task done, it was time to see about other matters. Irk baby-bjorned the egg in a blanket and the Blasters headed back to Awa Harbor.  

And That's Where We Left It

We'll see what other preparations the Blasters make before departing for Scaraval during our next session.  

Various & Sundry Details

  • Kasula Neristina decided to take a few days to rest and recuperate after her efforts to cure Kharlo's dripping goo disease. Well earned, to be sure.
  • Water asked Twinstar to look into this whole Pink Sheep business. He agreed to do so, viewing it as a welcome distraction from his current slate of projects.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Izzak, netmender and former Stormtooth
  • Wilreth Elvalor, sometimes called the Ghosthair, member of The Decree
  • Geos Thunderpride, purveyor of fine woods
  • Yillrek, horticulturist and owner of The Iris Palace
  • Crodguk, sentient plant, knower of secrets  
  • Designer, cleric of Rhagtar
  • Apparition of Rhagtar, of the Depths
Report Date
03 Apr 2022
Primary Location


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