Samlans Ethnicity in Gætíus' World | World Anvil
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Samlan: Samlonn /saːmlɔtn̥/
Afnat: Akn-Samlan /akhn saːmlaːn/
The samlans1 are the ruling tribe of Pammak Ridge in southern Emlas, located between Imkala to the east, the Narannax Mountains (of which Pammak Ridge is part of) to the north and Þonnanó to the west. They are cousins of the Lasmans up in the Narannax Mountains, though their languages are not mutually intelligible, and samlan culture is so heavily influenced by the Imkalans that their neighbours often conflate the two.



Samlan clothing is quite similar to that of the imkalans, with men wearing a wraparound loincloth and women a short skirt and a poncho, all made of cotton, but the hairstyles, body- and face paint are notably different. Instead of partially shaving or gathering their hair in a bun as imkalans do, samlan men wear their hair short and the women rarely more than shoulder-length.
Face-paint is popular among all samlans, while warriors and nobles often paint their arms and upper torso as well, traditionally using yellow saffron-based dye.


Unlike most peoples of southern and southwestern Emlas, samlan houses are usually made of stone and thus not built on stilts. Small imkalan-style shrines carved out of boulders are mostly found to the east, but modifying caves into underground temples or even carving them out of the living rock entirely is far more widespread.


Samlan cuisine, like many other aspects of their culture, is heavily influenced by the imkalans, with emphasis on dairy products, fish and fowl, fruits and vegetables (particularly garlic, onions and eggplants) and various spices, though water-lilies are not as common in their diet, while wild game is more common than among the imkalans, which reflects their origins as nomadic hunter-gatherers.
Mead and a kind of alcohol made from local flowers are the beverages of choice, while tea is rarely consumed as a drink by samlans, as they prefer eating pickled tea leaves instead.


Samlans tend to have short names, rarely longer than two syllables, and are chosen based on both the time of day and which day of the week a person is born.


Light cavalry armed with spears and javelins forms the backbone of the samlan military, and their ponies are highly sought after for being fast, surefooted and well adapted to the hot and humid climate of Pammak Ridge. This allows them both to keep their trade-routes clear of bandits and to conduct raids on their main rivals, the Vósali along the coastal lowlands to the south.

1Original icelandic: Samlar, singular: Samli.
Samlan warrior by Lappalingur
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