Humans Species in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil


Humans are the most widespread sentient specie, even if heavily divided into many local, slightly different races. Still considered a part of general specie of humans. They can be encountered nearly everywhere. Humans are also considered one of the oldest species in the known world, dating back to the early years of First Empire, but gaining some historical significance only during the Ancient Era, when first major states of humans were created.   They are also 'proper' subspecies that manifest a stable set of traits that differentiates them from baseline human species. They can interbred, however the more different they are the more different, they harder it is. The difficulties in most cases manifest as an increase ratio of miscarriages and genetic deformations. An example are Northerners or Tunnelers.   The 'third' category of humankind - considered as something wholly different than baseline humanity - are half-daemons. They are an effect of interbreeding between human and this few type of daemons that are known to be able to procreate with humans (examples include nymphs or watchers). While they can do that with most if not all of sapient species, only human DNA is 'malleable' enough to create half-daemon in 100% of pregnancies. For elves the ratio is circa 35%, in other words in 65% of casesthe end result will be an elf with some slight differences (like natural talent to a certain type of magic). .

Basic Information


Basic humanoids. Two hands, two legs, genitals between them,, and a head. Humans as a species stand out with relatively fast reproduction, and moderate achievements in terms of fighting and magic. They are relatively average which also means they are versatile, capable of adapting to most environments, unlike many more specialized species. And then adapt to a surprising degree.   Even 'average' humans slightly differ from humans from Earth. This is caused mainly by many thousand years of accelerated evolution in an environment rich in magic. Humans tend to be much more fenotypically varied - for example because of different eye or hair colors. Light pink hair or violet eyes and stuff like that sometimes happen, mostly via slightly magically altered genetics, with the DNA introduced to their genes in most cases because of ages old influx of daemonic blood.   Humans are also more handsome/beautiful in average, both in terms of body and face. This doesn't mean that there are no ugly people - there are simply noticable less of them, with average moved level moved slightly higher, and with really blessed people being extremely beautiful (rivalling Earth's filmstars on makeup - without makeup). This is also caused by influx of daemonic blood.

Genetics and Reproduction

Getting pregnant is generally easier, chances of being infertile are much lower, and the rate of deaths during births is SIGNIFICANTLY lower even (or especially) without access to proper healthcare. This is mostly due to accelerated evolution and natural selection in situation when humans were subjected to rather 'grizzly' environment, with only those genes that could be spread fastest among the surviving population. Magic accelerated this process immensely.

Growth Rate & Stages

Reaches adulthood around in 14-16 years, with changes mostly cultural, together with it dependent on environment. Female cease being fertile when around 40-45 years old.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Perfectly omnivorous, with average need for calorie intake.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

You can meet them practically everywhere in the world. No continent is free from them or from one of their subspecies. They got lucky during the Preimperial Period and managed to spread throughout most of Karadia, now forming most of Imperium of Karadia population.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Perfectly average.
Created by: ???
IC: Occurence: Widespread
IC: Danger: Not Threatened
South Lomarian

Average Height
Average Weight


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