Drakkans Species in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil


Drakkans are a subspecie of human mostly originating from lands of a faraway Tyranny of Drakkan, far beyond what can be considered an Imperium of Karadia sphere of influence. They were created by a long-extinct (which is drakkans fault) specie of K'Shisan as perfect slaves for the K'Shisan Tyranny, only to rebel due to genmaturgic machinations of Borshas Convergency.   The only significant group of Drakkans in Karadia are inhabitants of Tyranny of Amner, a country on the eastern border of Karathia, created by a splinter group of Drakkans that marched through the whole Arzia after being defeated by forces of Eternal Empire.   Amnerians can be considered a subspecie of subspecie due to very strong influx of non-drakkarian blood during their great march and later on after settling on a decimated Diretian Plains following the First Chaos War. Despite this, the differences aren't that big to describe them as a completely different subspecie, thus they will be described here.

Basic Information


Drakkans aren't that much different from baseline humans in terms of their anatomy - most of the changes made by K'Shisan genmaturgists happened inside their heads, as they were 'mentally sculpted' into perfect slaves, devoid of potentially volatile parts of personality. The anatomy itself remained as it was.

Genetics and Reproduction

Drakkans reproduce without making any familial bonds - as they are made unable to have them due to the effects of genetically imprinted mental sculpt. Thus they have sex simply when they feel like having it, with completely random partners that just happened to be close when they were allowed to breed by their overlords. With no anticonception, the females are nearly constantly pregnant.   Lack of familial bonds also means that education (basic at least, since they are incapable of higher education) and upbringing relies on the State. It is mostly limited to men, for an obvious reason - females are supposed to give birth. Which is their one and only reason for existence in Tyranny of Drakkan.   Among Amnerians the situation is at least a bit better, with mental sculpt partially watered down by influx of other blood. Families exist, even if only on a rather basic level and still subjected to State, and while females still are supposed to give birth, they have also other 'uses' (like keeping their houses tidy, which is something left to male menial slaves in Drakkan Tyranny).

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Drakkarians live mostly in Tyranny of Drakkan, far, far away from the Imperium of Karadia. Amnerians live in Tyranny of Amner on eastern borders of the continent of Karathia.

Average Intelligence

Drakkarians have their intelligenc heavilly 'culled' by hereditary mental sculpt that was supposed to change them into perfect slaves - which in the eyes of their K'Shisan overlords meant mindless drons, mentally submissive to orders of those higher in hierarchy. Average Drakkarian does not even possess name, only numbers. They eat when they are ordered to, they drink when they are ordered to, they procreate when they are ordered to... and they fight when ordered to. When sufficiently trained they can also make more problematic and complicated jobs, but their abysmal ability for abstract thinking is a serious impairment.   What ultimately brought downfall of K'Shisans was a gene-altering virus unleashed by Borshan Convergency during last years of great war between Tyranny and Convergency. As endless drakkan cannonfodder and K'Shisan warmachines began triumphing over legions of bioengineered horrors of Borshans, they decided to try another approach.   Their virus managed to spread throughout Drakkarian population. In 99/100 cases there is no noticable difference, however 1 per 100 infected gain additional mental sculpt. One of domination and sadism, one that drives them to gain greater power no matter the coast. One that will ultimately triumph over their primary docile sculpt if they are not constantly pushed back into it by means of pain and being dominated (be it humiliated, raped, beaten or ordered around). K'Shisan died the moment an infected Drakkarian reached sufficient rank in their military forces to order his soldiers to turn on them... and soon they were butchered to the last, just as Borshans were.   In Amnerian case the dychotomy between the two mental sculpts is less visible because they are both massively weakened. There are still two main castes - proles and leaders, but they are both (for reason not exactly known) mostly hereditary. The prole sculpt is almost non-existent among the leadership caste, meaning that there is no biological reason for humiliation and domination (but still a societal and political one).

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Typical for humans. Decent sight, decent hearing, quite bad taste and smell, nothing extraordinary.
Created by: K'Shisan Tyranny.
IC: Occurence: None
IC: Danger: Not Threatened
Drakkarian, Amnerian.
60 years.
Average Height
Average Weight


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