Human Species in Frigranden | World Anvil


The youngest of the common races, humans are adaptable and intelligent bipedal primate mammals who create long-lasting institutions, cities and blended societies. In Frigranden, humans spread across the land and build a matrix of farmlands, villages and trade routes. Humans rarely interbreed with other species, but children are viable from matings with elves, orcs and some entities from other realms of existence, including celestial. On a rare occasion, a mage might claim draconic lineage, but this has never been verified.

In New Thostenburg humans interbreed much more regularly with half-elf and half-orc inhabitants and few lineages have not interbred. Level 1 and 2 inhabitants find this interbreeding distasteful, but most others accept it as a natural part of life.


Type Humanoid (Human)
Ability Score Modifier +2 racial bonus to 1 ability score
Size medium
Speed 30 feet
Language Humans speak Common or a home regional language. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they could have been exposed to except secret languages without induction into that secret order.
Regional Languages: Kenta, Chalibeth, Northern, Suvi, Or'axun, and Or'koan.

Add 1 extra Feat at 1st Level
Racial Subtype: Trailblazer. Select 1 "Heart of" alternate racial trait.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Adaptable omnivores, humans can meet their dietary needs in any area of Frigranden with knowledge of local animals and plants. Humans breed chickens and small mammals, hunt wild game, fish and employ halflings to run agricultural ventures to grow grains and vegetables.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans inhabit central Frigranden from the southern coast to the northern coast, as well as the islands to the south and east. They often cohabitate areas with halflings, elves, and gnomes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell, rarely magical sense and ability.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Attractive males are strong, symmetrical, and stand out from their neighbors in some way. The man with the shaved head and beard in a region where long hair and a smooth face is the norm will get the most attention from local women. The fisherman with scars from a fight with a sea monster will suddenly find himself surrounded by admirers.

Attractive women are self-assured, with smooth skin, curvey bodies and a sense of humor.

Common Taboos

Cannibalism or eating of other intelligent races, incest, pedophilia, murder, suicide, being in contact with corpses unless preparing the dead for final rest, displaying sexual organs in public, and discussing bodily functions.
Genetic Descendants
60 years
Average Height
5' 8"
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Body tints can range from lily-white in the Northern Tribes to onyx black in Chalibeth lands in the interior. Northern tribesmen are more likely to have lighter hair colors, including red and blonde, Chalibeth are likely to have black hair which turns to grey in elders, Kenta often have black, brown or dark red hair, and Suvi color their hair with a variety of plant and animal-based products, producing flower bright colors including saffron yellow and purple.
Related Ethnicities