Soncoyocs Profession in Four Quadrants | World Anvil
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Soncoyocs (Son-co-yoks)

by hughpierre



Armourers who create and maintain the army's knottery equipment.

Social Status

As conscripted workers, they are talented enough to be brought to the capital, but not enough to attend Yachay Wasikuna; and are thus confined to the workers' suburbs throughout their obligations.


The empire is vast and heavily populated, but not enough to meet demands.
Recruits for this drudgery are taken from every minority population in the Four Corners. They are rotated through every few months without any chance to learn the intricacies of knotts or personal development.


"Soncoyocs" were a general class of unspecified healers who practiced among the common people before the Tawantinsuyu emerged. They were divided into three spheres of offerings:
  1. Watukk diagnosed disease using divination, visions, and dreams. They also observed the patient's everyday life to find the source of the curse and track the somatic, emotional and pathological stages of the illness.  
  2. Hanpeq applied their knowledge of diseases, blended herbs and minerals that provided remedies and post-treatment care.  
  3. Paqo utilized rituals, healing stone, plant and animal medicines to restore balance and treat the soul

In an event to control their conquered populations, innoit generals were ordered to gather a community's medicine people to be moved elsewhere. The excuse at the time was to spread medical knowledge and services everywhere in the growing empire. However, the practical consequence was a drastic brain drain of the satellite settlements to Ca-Chisneu.   Overtime, soncoyocs' work were adapted to various knottery disciplines under the Sapa; and the term migrated from meaning medicine man to meaning armourer. All the while, smaller communities lost their doctors with only intermediate visits from state trained physicians to tend to people.



Due to the heavily curated nature of the state's military assets, its facilities in Qolqanpata and Ch'akill Chaka are tightly monitored to protect its manufacturing techniques. The workers themselves are only taught a small part of the process and in cohorts whose languages are mutually unintelligible.

Alternative Names
  • Sirkaks
  • Sangradors
  • Shamans
  • Type
    Mandated Government Service
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