Maledict’s Incursion Military Conflict in Florenic Worlds | World Anvil

Maledict’s Incursion

The Attack Leading to the Shattered Age

The Conflict


As the Kingdom of Ardentry had 1,000 years to develop and prosper in a quiet golden age, the vicians of Maledict were hard at work. These foul fiends plotted almost nonstop their plans to invade the Kingdom and hopefully secure a quick victory before the caels could get involved. How easily they misjudged the divine from intervening directly.


It was through digging subterranean tunnels is how Maledict hid their movements into key positions. Once the cue was given, the vicians burst through with speed and surprise as their initial advantage. Every Ardentian was caught completely off guard.


Throughout the outer five provinces of Dulnmoor, Hulstead, Haliah, Kalaura, and Kalgarim, Maledict invaded upon the unsuspecting lands. The goal of Maledict was to reach the capital by at least punching through one province and reaching the City of Hearth.


The vicians may have caused a brutal scar on Ardentry but it was Maledict as a whole that got pushed back. It may not have been back home to Inferna but at least far beyond where current maps were recorded.

The Incursion had destroyed quite a lot in general throughout the outer provinces. It also would change the innate nature of the Reverie’s caels into having a more direct and protective role with the Kingdom as a whole.


The Tranquil Era was shattered. No longer could neighbors live cohesively as easily as before. The temptations of Maledict had awakened the selfish desires of mortals, a fair portion having even turned on their own during the Incursion. No longer could mortals in Ardentry reliably believe the goodwill and intentions of others.

Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Ardentry is Victorious


Kingdom of Ardentry


  • Vicians
  • Tempted allies



Reach the City of Hearth and either control or destroy the Kingdom of Ardentry.

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