City of Mondomiri Settlement in Florenic Worlds | World Anvil

City of Mondomiri

Towers race to the starry night sky as a slight chill tries to crawl its way through the countless rising buildings.


Race Percentage (1d100)
Lunadrin 62% (1-62)
Drow 18% (63-80)
Eladrin 10% (81-90)
Half-Elves 5% (91-95)
Others 5% (96-100)


Mistress Theyra Lunravin

Theyra is the current Mistress over the Night City.


Silver Mug Tavern

This three-story location is a favorite among the locals, operated by a lunadrin named Caddian Menforille. He is famous for his sour wine called nightberry twist. Whether or not nightshade berries are mixed into it is a rumor among many.

Guilds and Factions

Doctrine Society

The magistrate, Tharinoth Alyirdon, operates this esoteric faction in the city. They often assist in combating hags, cleaning out the Infernal Clan's influence, and whatever lingers of Arkonian problems.


Founding of the City

Mondomiri’s origins begin with the drow, actually. Early in the years after digging their way around Undarid, these missing elves would eventually breach into the surface. Unfortunately, they found themselves somewhere entirely different from the initial collapse that separated them. Despite this, some stayed behind in this land of eternal night.

Overtime as their brothers and sisters dug around beneath them, the new surface dwellers would shift into the lunadrin we know today. Once the drow and eladrin met, it would take a month later for the lunadrin to meet their cousins from the homeland. When Master Gilbrethor, the founder, met with Orrilius, the Grandest Father would ordain them as part of the elven family.

Natural Resources

  • Woodlands
Alternative Name(s)
The Night City
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Reports (Primary)

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