Garrow's Keep Settlement in Fehr’gia | World Anvil
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Garrow's Keep

The largest dwarven city in Torrix. Defended by the largest walls ever commissioned by king or country, it has ironically become an untouchable sanctuary that houses many of the guilds that have reached throughout Ferh'gia. Many come seeking opportunity and are rarely disappointed in whatever field they seek, be it labor, adventure, or scholarship.


The Crimsongaurd Walls, Monolithic walls standing 60 Meters High and 8 Meters thick. Pallisade after pallisade lines the entrances on all sides. The Walls are sheer, impossible to climb, and sturdy enough to survive the toughest of siege weaponry.

Industry & Trade

Fish, Stone, and Guns. The fishing industry is one of the most profitable given it’s location and shipping ability. It’s dwarven masons are shipped across the country to the finest kings for their talent, and all guns worth an ounce of gunpowder are built and crafted here.


Intitally founded between two mountains with incredibly rich resources, and against the ocean shore, Garrow's Keep was the home of the inept and paranoid king Garrow Crimsonguard. The Long lived king believed the world against him, so he had the largest walls ever built commissioned. Encircling his land, casting impossible shadows, the construction took over 100 years with hundreds of the finest mason's in all the land. Many outsiders laughed at the funds sunk into these defenses, but when the great war approached, the walls stood well beyond the will to siege. In fact, the rest of torrix was captured while Garrow's Keep remained unclaimed.
Founding Date
-215 BC
Alternative Name(s)
The Impregnable Mountain
Large city
Location under
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