
General Features

Fyrs are a race of Demon that exist in the hot, lava-filled region of Brimstone. These demons appear as large humanoids made of fire with a scorched skeletal system underneath. The can shape shift and take on whatever shape they feel like, usually tied to emotion. These forms are always made of flames. Fyrs can also change the colors of their flames as well.

Special Abilies

Like most demons, Fyrs thrive on energy they get from possessing humans. They are the demons of wrath, anger and conflict, so they often target people who are guilty of these. People can summon a Fyr with a bon-fire ritual, and ask them to give them strength and courage in exchange for their soul.   However possession comes with a price. The Fyr will become a sort of dopplegangar to the person, but their personality will be slightly different, more agressive, bitter, uncaring, and cruel. This personalty will come out at even the smallest iritation, and will act like a jerk to rile up people around them. This causes the victum to lose close connections and lash out at friends and family indiscriminately.   Possessee's also gain fire powers, which make them extremely dangerous when they are possessed.


Common Etiquette rules

Fyrs tend to be rude and nasty to everyone, even other fyrs. They lack the trust and cooperation that pther societies are built on, and thus fyrs tend to live alone and be unwelcoming to strangers. They are territorial and will fight anyone who enters their territory with out explocate permission.   They will still treat family and sparklings with respect as the main exception to this rule, however a fyr can be reject from their family and have their respect and trust revoked.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

On oe the few times fyrs come together as a race is to fight. They will get together and perform gladitorial fight matches to keep their bodies and skills at top perfromance in case they ever need to fight for their territory.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Fyrs are born from the fkames of Brimstone themselves. These baby flames are called sparklings and appear as tiny candel flames with eyes. They can still possess mortals, but only those equivalent to their age, like children.   Sparklings are the onlg fyrs will be unanimously treated well.

Coming of Age Rites

As a sparkling reaches maturity the are expected tolearn to fight in order to keep their families respect. If they do not achieve this, the can be rejected andbanished from their home.

Funerary and Memorial customs

When Fyrs are immortal, but not invulnerable. When they die, it is in a dramatic explotion of flames that only leave behind the charge remains of their skeleton. Fellow fyrs will then gather up the bones and place them in a mass grave full of fyr bones.

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Fantasme Imagination is being mirrored on BlueWondrous Wiki, so feel free to check that out too.

Cover image: by IbbyWondrous


Author's Notes

This article was made for Summer Camp 2019 for the prompt:

" Describe a culture in your world which has particularly warlike traditions."

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