Maxwell Swiftsword Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Maxwell Swiftsword

Maxwell Swiftsword (born 1466 DR) is a human man and Enforcer of the Guild in the city of Baldur's Gate. Born to a smithing family, he joined The Guild at a young age, acting as muscle for Grigor Kulenov's crew. He is particularly fond of smokepowder, and steals it whenever he can.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Maxwell is much taller than average, and much stronger. He has a very athletic and well-built physique, and claims he can wrestle an ogre to submission. Despite his size, he is fairly agile, which he uses to surprise his opponents.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Maxwell Swiftsword was born in 1466 in the city of Baldur's Gate, as the second of two sons. His parents, both blacksmiths, had decided that their first child would inherit their business, and Maxwell was relegated to the role of assistant. From an early age, he was caught up in the affairs of The Guild. It had helped his parents establish their business, and they in return helped any members that stopped by (through discounts or a safe place to hide out).

Growing up, Maxwell was very strong, well-built, and tall. He made a name for himself in fighting matches in the Undercellar, defeating men much older than him. He was approached by The Guild to join and become an Enforcer, which he happily accepted. He ended up with Grigor Kulenov and his crew, and found the role of the muscle to come naturally to him.

Maxwell would always follow Grigor's orders to the letter. He was trusted by both Grigor and his Kingpin in Eastway, and was given great freedom in how he could execute tasks. Despite this, he preferred to simply do as he was told and leave the planning to others. He respected his crew, and even liked them. At one point, he had a tryst with Sariel Liadon, his crew's acrobat. His friendship with Lureen Greycastle began asymetrically, with him being assigned the nickname of "Blockhead". However, he liked the nickname, and started using it himself. This amused Lureen, who began to like him after that point.

After Sariel left, as well as Grigor and Gilbert, Gael took control of the crew. Missing half its members, it fell on hard times, but Gael was able to build it back up to a modicum of respect within The Guild.


Social Aptitude

Maxwell's gruff exterior belies a surprisingly friendly interior. He is a very straightforward man, unconcerned with what other people think about him, and prefers to speak his mind. While he enjoys getting into fights and especially winning them, he is not particularly malicious and doesn't start fights himself. Whenever he's interested in a woman, Maxwell is very straightforward with his advances, eschewing flirting. When around his friends or people he views as his superior, he tends to let them do the talking.
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
1466 DR 29 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
210 lbs
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by SilkyNoire


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