Daer Profession in Eyila | World Anvil


Daers are demon hunters. The stories describe them as honorable knights, but in reality, most only hunt for the money it brings in. Any number of valuable resources can be harvested from demons and sold for high prices. Many daers are also members of the Hunters' Guild.



While the Hunters' Guild does have an official training program, most daers learn through experience. Those who are slow don't last long. Only the best have what it takes to do the work they do. Many daers are social outcasts, former soldiers, and criminals. In fact, to join the Guild and become a daer is a common punishment for those who participate in illegal activities.


Social Status

Daers are highly respected by the majority of the public. Though nobles rarely join the Guild, they are careful not to disrespect its members, as some of them are known to hold grudges. It should be noted, though, that the Qoh, specifically the Stygian Order are less than fond of daers, as the hunters like to compare the Sightless Ones to the demons they hunt.



Daers that are also members of the Guild are all equipped with a standard sword, set of knives, light armor, and an amulet. The sword and knives are forged in the magical, green fires of Occalyn, rendering them more dangerous towards demons. Their armor is light to allow them to move quickly, though some daers trade it in for heavier armor to resist the scathing claws and teeth of the creatures they hunt. The amulet is the most important piece of equipment a daer has, and the most valuable. In times of great trouble, a daer can smash the amulet, revealing a vial inside that has the blood of a demon inside, with tremendous healing properties (traditionally, a daer is a full member of the Guild once they kill their first demon and harvest its blood).
Alternative Names
Hunter, Butcher (derogatory)
Used By


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