The Inn at the Moor Building / Landmark in Eurithan | World Anvil
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The Inn at the Moor

Hot food, cold beer, warm bed, what is there more to love?

Created by Mu, inspired by the memories at Culloden Moor Inn, Inverness, Scotland
In the dead of night, when the cold moonlight glistens across the river's skin, you are wet and tired from a long day of sailing the waters. But there, in the not-too-far distance is a warm glowing light of a two-storey building, the outskirts populated by rickety boats, strong steeds, and some avid smokers having a semi-sober talk.   All you can think is:   "Time for some shut eye."

Purpose / Function

The Inn at the Moor is a lonely halfway point down the Atacorith River, a stream famed for its hoards of wild and rare aquatic life. The Inn was made so that many explorers and fishermen could rest up for the night, and resume their journey to the end of the river, to Riverhold. In this place, tired waterborne adventurers can sleep soundly on goose down beds, warm and fresh fish pie, and a cold, refreshing glass of homemade mead.


In the last 10 years, the Inn at the Moor has had renovations, mostly to increase its capacity, to accommodate more patrons and make the place more inviting than being a rickety old shed at the side of the river. Inside and out has had a new lick of paint, the interior refurnished with re-purposed wood from old barns, barrels, and totalled boats. The hearth is now longer, spreading across the foyer, bringing heat to the cold and wet patrons of the Inn.


The Inn is a take on Medieval English architecture, in outward aesthetic. The structure is mostly timber frame, with stone and lime mortar infill walls. To the side of the main body of the Inn lies a small stable for adventurer's steeds, and some are even rented out for fishermen to venture out towards the nearest village for supplies, however, this has recently declined as most merchants will venture past the Inn to sell wares, albeit at a slight premium.


The Inn at the Moor, commonly referred to as Shaddy's Mucker, was once an old croft building, owned by the Elven Gwe'irith family, who were a quiet fish farming folk. One day, a human fisherman made dock at the side of their home, requesting food and rest in return for a few silver pieces. Slightly apprehensive about having a human in their home, they were constantly on guard, but the man proved courteous and polite, even helping clean the dishes. The man had suggested that they do this more often, perhaps starting a business from giving sailors respite for the night. And, as the man left to his boat in the early hours of the morning, the family decided that the human's insightful concept would bode well for them in the long run.   From there, the Gwe'irith family began renovating their home into two separate zones, the first and basement floor became accommodations, and the upper floor was the residence of the family members. Business was slow to begin with, but word got out due to passing trade, and soon enough, the Inn on the Moor was a hub of rumours, tasks, and jovial storytelling.   Since its founding, Daleis and Milireth Gwe'irith have retired, leaving the job of running the Inn to their two daughters and son - Phiera, Suliel, the two daughters, and Teliris, the son. Phiera and Suliel run the bar and administrative aspects of the business, where Teliris mostly acts as a waiter.   It has been the new generation that has brought in the latest renovations and breathed new life into the old Inn. They may be young, but they have learned much from their parents, and the hearth-warmed croft remains a staple resting stop for those on the road and on the river.
Alternative Names
Shaddy's Mucker, Fisher's Pier
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant

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