Auro's Cairn Building / Landmark in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Auro's Cairn

To those who dare to take the plunge

A deranged wizard, hellbent on protecting his secrets from prying eyes used his skills and subordinates to craft a dungeon designed to guard his work. Forged deep under the border of the Forlorn Coast several hundred years ago, the treasures below hold the long forgotten secrets of Auro the Wildtamer. Those who have tried to reach it have all failed - even with a small army at the rear, there has been nobody able to reach its core.   Do you accept the challenge?

Purpose / Function

The dungeon was designed to make it nigh impossible to retrieve the secrets and knowledge of Auro the Wildtamer. Those who enter cannot leave and its design makes those who have gifts struggle.


The structure of the dungeon is that of Dwarven ingenuity and technology. The grand stone walls emblazoned with brass accents. Running through the centre of the wall, descending at a 45 degree angle is a deep track that allows the single room on the top floor to move down the almost endless levels of the dungeon.   The "elevator" is carved with 80 runes representing each floor, enchanted to illuminate once the floor reaches the levels below. The final rune, what many call the Master Rune, represents the final level. What happens when all runes light up, nobody but Auro knows. On the floors below, there is a single door that contains a monster that is randomly selected by a mechanism the spans several miles through the earth. It is a one way dimensional door.


Auro's Cairn has been steeped in legend for a long time, originally a vault guarding the wizard's most prized works and possessions. Now, the dungeon acts as a test of might and endurance for many adventurers - of whom some never to return.   Two hundred years ago, a small earthquake damaged the mechanism that releases monsters within the dungeon and instead released them on the people above. This event, The Menagerie Incident, was regarded as the most deadly event in the region for a long time. Yet, adventurers and heroes of old warded off the monsters.   Since the Menagerie Incident, no monsters have appeared on the surface. Perhaps somebody repaired the mechanism...
Alternative Names
The Tomb of the Wildtamer

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