Riverhold Settlement in Eurithan | World Anvil
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What do you do with a drunken sailor?

Created by Mu, Developed by Geeves
Riverhold, the pride of Anderall, or so the locals would have you believe. This small village is the heart of local trade in the main mountain path from Vazinir to Grostenvuuld, and provides adequate wares for ample prices. The locals are friendly, the guards are homely, and the mayor... He's just a bit quirky.   The smell of fish, however, you just have to get used to.


  • Elves: 80
  • Human: 30
  • Dragonborn: 10
  • Dwarves: 10
  • Gnomes: 4
  • Half-Elves: 39
  • Halflings: 5
  • Tieflings: 3


The local governing power is led by a Dwarven male, Urin Frostmail, a very thoughtful man who proposes a new law after weeks or months of delegation with his officials. The taxation of the people is income based, with those earning less than 500gp per year having no tax, those who earn between 501-1000gp per year have 20% tax, and anyone earning more than 1001gp is taxed 30%. There are financial and wellbeing benefits in place for underprivileged families, such as tax returns and free healthcare. The taxes are funnelled into healthcare, public establishments guard wages, and maintenance of buildings.


There are many guards at hand in the village, around 20, most of which are trained professionally to defend the people at any cost. They are equipped with breastplate armour and some martial polearms. The town has gates at both ends, which always has at least 4 guards at hand at any given time.

Industry & Trade

The settlement ensures it stays intact through its strong trade network, trading in meats, weapons, armour, and alchemical wares.


There are few trade outlets in this small village, most trade comes from the local alchemist, Majesty, the baker, William Drake, the blacksmith, Gussalen Morningfall, and the butcher, Raseneth.


The only assets in this humble village are its waterborne trade route, having access to nearby riverside towns and villages, creating a network of trade.

Guilds and Factions

There is a faction amongst the village known as the "Fairer's Delegate", a council of fishermen who control the trade on the Harmony Tributary river that runs through the village. The Mayor, Urin, holds power over these people, as to not damage relations to allied settlements. However, they are seen as the most trustworthy people in the village and are often approached by locals in times of trade disputes.


The village of Riverhold was established only in the last two centuries, as a heart of trade and route control amongst the mountain paths. The village itself was once considered one part until a local riot forced the political leaders to split the town into two consecutive parts - Leeward and Riverhold. Leeward hosts many docks and mills, as well as the blacksmith and tanners. This side is considerably more working class than the other side, despite being the economic powerhouse of the village. Riverhold was refurbished, to be a more fitting establishment for its more wealthy inhabitants - politicians, merchants, etc. This place is considerably more expensive than Leeward.


The local architecture resembles that of medieval Ardennes. Two storey buildings crafted from locally sourced timber, utilising plaster on dabs as internal and external finishes. The base is generally crafted from rubble sourced from the riverbed and mountainside.


This peaceful town lies in a bend of the river known as the Harmony Tributary which flows from the north east and leaves Riverhold heading south. Just south of Riverhold lies a large marshy swath of land, which in spring times occasionally floods as the mountain snow melts into water and finds its way to Riverhold.

Natural Resources

Stone, timber, metals, farmed fish and grains, and alchemical root plants.

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