Nimir Geographic Location in Eurithan | World Anvil
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There's something not right here...

Created by Mu
Those who come to the beautiful island of Nimir hope only for peace and tranquillity amongst the ocean breeze and palm trees. The humble port towns bustle with trade and friendly faces, the wildlife docile and approachable. With a bustling trade industry at play, there's money to be made, friends to be had, and parties to attend!   And to those foolish enough to break the law and fail to evade capture, know only that the Court of Justice holds dominion over this pleasant land, and the Old Bastille will be forever your home.   You have been warned, traveller.


Nimir is relatively flat around the coastline, with three port towns within the shallowest points. At the core of the island, however, is an active volcano, that has been dormant for one hundred years, the surrounding hills that lead towards it lush with jungle and exotic wildlife. Small settlements reside within pockets of the tropical forests.   The surrounding ocean, the Lucid Ocean, clears up at the shores of Nimir, becoming a light, clear, blue coming in from a deep sea blue. Despite the large isolation of the island, there is plenty of fresh water sources that are pulled from volcanic geysers.

Fauna & Flora

The flora of Nimir are fragrant, exotic, and visually stunning such as palm trees, hibiscus, as well as fruiting plants such as mango trees, etc.   The fauna of Nimir are predominantly docile, due to their instinctual adaptation to the isolation of the island before settlers first set foot on Nimir. You could approach these creatures and they'd walk straight into your hands.   However, there are monsters that lurk at the foot of the volcano that only a fool would seek out.

Natural Resources

Most of the islands resources are in tropical and exotic fruits, plants, and animals (whether they be kept as pets or eaten). Minerals consist of large exports of obsidian glass, basalt, and copper ores.   The farmed animals that reside on Nimir consists of some cows, pigs, and well-sheared sheep, which are used for a multitude of resources such as:
  • Leather
  • Meat
  • Wool
  • Milk
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