Glaivesfjord Settlement in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Beyond the crooked forest...

Created by Mu
A great tale begins in this small village, deep in the shadowy, anomalous, woods of the Umberfeld, a place known only as Glaivesfjord. Here, many great adventurers have begun their journey, and will undoubtedly not be the last.   A lonely tavern, “The Halberdier’s Rest”, always sits illuminated by the cosy and inviting hearth within, like a loving embrace to those out in the cold wilderness beyond.   So, care for a drink?


50% Elf, 25% Human, 10% Dwarf, 5% Half-Elf, 5% Gnome, 3% Firbolg, 1% Goblin, 1% Tabaxi


The village is run communally, by all 12 families, and by Obhan, the Innkeeper.


The hamlet is surrounded on both sides by the Umberfeld Woods and the Meridian Valley.

Industry & Trade

The Halberdier's Rest is the main hub of trade in the hamlet, which brings in passing trade, where local craftsmen and women trade and barter for wares.


The villagers have made a road for passing trade, connecting them through the Meridian Valley to the city of Pash Vaelenor.


The village has a cellar of sought after spirits and beers.

Guilds and Factions

The Greyhands Adventuring Guild


A group of old Halberdiers from the time of the Convergence took rest in this small spot after traversing the treacherous Umberfeld Woods. There, they began establishing a small community as other soldiers begun finding refuge there. Passing merchants eventually began establishing stalls which have now become old storefronts that have been renovated into homes. Where the Halberdiers first set up camp, now resides the humble establishment of "The Halberdier's Rest", where many residents of the hamlet seek refreshment and a warm meal.


The structures in Glaivesfjord are mostly made from stone hailing from the mountainside and timber from the Umberfeld Woods. It is in no way visually flattering but gives off a vibe of a homely welcome.

Natural Resources

Stone and timber
Alternative Name(s)
Halberdier's Fjord
Inhabitant Demonym

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