Verra Peninsula Geographic Location in Ethnis | World Anvil

Verra Peninsula

We took to the Peninsula by boat, after having toured the Basin by air. The waters were rich in color, alien greens and lovely blues faded together depending on the coral that grew beneath us. As we set sail into our second day, we approached the first of the islands we were scheduled to visit.

The entire island was a teeming jungle sprawl, immaculate and alive. Nothing like the shrivels husks of the Amazon! I felt the boat shake as we approached the shore, an ominous thumping that lapped the boat with choppy waves. It was a creature, or maybe a construct? Maybe both, it's so hard to tell. It towered in front of our boat, taking massive lumbering steps along the coast. It looked to be combing the beach, consuming trees that have fell.

"Island Keepers." I learned the name after.

Adventine Mathis Baptiste

Lush and dense rainforests are pocked with coral and volcanic activity. Sharp peaks and jagged rock formations mark the tectonic boundary between the Basin and the Peninsula. Further south, chains of volcanic landmasses stretch into the sea.

The two largest land masses comprise a pair of massive super-volcanos that have remained inactive since prehistoric times. The break on the first lateral landmass is believed to have been formed by both volcanoes erupting at once.

On the southern tip, shield volcanoes form flat archipelagos. The picturesque waters and minerals from the volcanic activity form some of the most unique naturally forming coral structures on the planet.


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