The Marianyan Territories Geographic Location in Ethnis | World Anvil

The Marianyan Territories

Jhoutai is a cruel world of cruel people.

We are 12 days and 9 deaths into the survey of the previously forbidden FalguMer'rh Region, a region I lobbied aggressively to survey. They agreed, under the stipulation that they would'nt supply guides.

A willful death sentence, in retrospect.

I will spare you the gruesome details of our journey so far, reader—if even this is ever read. We found wonders of magic here, and were possessed to go deeper. Now, we are in land where its rains blood, where there is no sun, yet beyond the hills an eternal red dawn beckons. They called it the Dead of Night.

Our equipment is gradually failing, even the flashlights. I hear mumbling in the dark, the voices of our dead.

Lana, I love you. Give our boys my best.


Adventine Yosef Riskov

A place that few adventurers dare explore, except during the Banner Era. This landmass is covered with corruption created by one of the most devastating Metaphysical incidents ever recorded—the Mar'riania-Kril, the great nightmare. All wildlife here is warped, moreso with each generation. Horrific nightmares of creatures that stalk the desolate but dense wastes.

A large coral structure reaches out on the west coast, with large Corralum tunnels that stretch inwards towards the southern pole, also known as the “Dead of Night.”


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