Cap Leather Material in Ethnis | World Anvil

Cap Leather

Cap Leather is harvested from the rind of fruiting Leathercaps and is primarily used in textiles and masonry.

Knowing how to work with cap leather is an important trade to have in colonies set in Jhoutaioan ecosystems. The colonies are forever growing, and demand for textiles is infinite.

The wonderful thing about leather is that you can pulp it down with additives and with other strains of leathercap to create stronger compositions.

Homesteaders Guide
Crafting Material
Leathercap Mushroom


Raw Cap Leather
Raw Cap Leather by Hiive
Handcrank Cap Mill by Hiive
Leathercap Pulp by Hiive

Once it has been gathered from the fruit, Cap Leather can be mulched into a usable pulp by soaking it, then dehydrating it and running it through a mulcher. The pulp has a limited lifecycle. If it gets to dry it will turn to dust, if it gets too wet it will need to be mulched again. Storing it in a Pulp Mixer works best.


Mixing different types and ratios of pulp, substrate, and additives yields a wide assortment of materials. Entire industries and branches of sciences have evolved to explore the possibilities of newly discovered outcomes, and the possibilities have certainly not yet been exhausted.

Leathercap Vellum Press
Leathercap Vellum Press by Hiive

Recycled pulp works just fine for making scraps, but you can do better than that. Heat the press to 50°C and gently knead it out flat. Finish with vellum oil.

Leathercap Leather Loom
Leathercap Leather Loom by Hiive

Use a staghorn loom to flatten and stretch tanned leather. Attach armatures for heated presses to harden it into a wood, or cycle it through the spinner to make fibers.

Leathercap Brick Press
Leathercap Brick Press by Hiive

Similar to making vellum, you need to balance your pressure, heat, and tempo, but this time at greater volume and with the addition of clay substrates.

Cover image: Cap Leather by Hiive


Author's Notes

Oscar and I got into a bit of back and forth making this one, riffing off of each other's ideas on this. He's always been huge on mushroom tech, and was eager to sculpt these

Cool Stuff

So much of this is inspired fully by things that already exist. Aren't fungi so WEIRD?!

Mycelium are the thin root-like fibres from fungi which run underneath the ground, when dried it can be used as a super strong, water, mould and fire resistant building material that can be grown into specific forms, thus reducing the processing requirements.

Mylo is a sustainable leather alternative made from mycelium, the root-like system of mushrooms.

Fungi are some of the most ancient organisms around. But could they also be the future of construction and building materials? Researchers and companies are looking to turn mushrooms into the building blocks of sustainable homes and workspaces.

— Daniela Hernandez, WSJ (Video)

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Dec 11, 2023 02:28 by Barron

The 3D models done for this are amazing and the content that backs it up is just as good!

Dec 11, 2023 10:32 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

MUSHROOMS ARE AMAZING   I love this article and everything about it. I really love that it's based on real life tech too. :)

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jan 5, 2024 05:16

Mushroom vellum! Great Minds and all that, I also have a mushroom paper-substitute in one of my articles. It is very cool seeing some of these concepts in real life and the awesome thing about us being Worldbuilders is being able to take and expand upon those things in our worlds. Great work.

Feel free to stop by some of my WorldEmber articles if you want. My favorites are The Book of the Unquiet Dead, Outpost of the Moons, and The Emerald Hills. Feedback is always appreciated.
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