Immortal Death Physical / Metaphysical Law in Ethnis | World Anvil

Immortal Death

Immortal Undeath is a state of psychic stasis entered by Monoliths when they become a Divinorium. Interviews with Divinoriums in this state suggest that it's a dreamlike state in which the Monolith lives within the halls of their own memory—a place where doors no longer lead to where or when you remember.

Over long enough aeons, the connection anchoring the Divine to the Worldly fades, and the statue gradually turns to sand and no longer emits raw Meta.

Monoliths can still interact with the Wordly domain while in this form, mostly limited to telepathy, but the interaction is as confusing to them as their mind has come to us, and doing so requires such a great effort that they use years of longevity in mere moments.


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