Oōruritē Item in Esau | World Anvil
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The people of Esau celebrate Enjils Aura Sitaare by exchanging gifts of various gems and baubles - the luckiest ones find Oōruritē - a special gem that forms in the ground where Stars land.

The word Oōruritē came about due to the "" sound someone made when first located it, "ru" means a sound, and "rite" means means rock or stone.
The beautiful translucent Oōruritē looks similar to opal, except the sparks inside the Oōruritē. The colouring depends on the colours of the star in which caused it's creation.

Living Stars tend to travel in fours. When they each land on Esau Oōruritē forms in the ground. They are more incline to land in darker places they consider need their light, or where they poorer people of Esau live, much to the frustration of the nobles.

The sell of fresh Oōruritē is extremely rare. Usually done by those who do not realise what stone they have found. It is excepted that no one sells or keeps freshly dug up Oōruritē. The expectation is that is will be given as a gift during Enjils Aura Sitaare.

To hold on to Oōruritē for yourself is frowned upon. Anyway, it gains value the more people it is gifted too. The Oōruritē holds a spark inside for each new hand it is held by (for at least 24 hours per person). The spark is like a tiny twinkling star inside the stone.

When exchanged for coin, one spark vanishes while the others remain - but no new ones form. The more times sold, the less sparkles remain inside.

The more hands it passes through before sold, the more sparks appear inside.
Some families have a piece of precious Oōruritē that shines so brightly, as each Enjils Aura Sitaare it is given to a different family member. Other people have changed their families circumstance by carefully timed selling of their Oōruritē. Nobles tend to buy it has a status symbol.

Manufacturing process

Only a highly skilled magically-skilled Jeweler can creature pendants from Oōruritē.
Only known person is Bae Squirl, a mixed race Gnome-Earth Genasi. Bae Squirl is an artist who displays much of their stone and rock creations (only one in the shape of a seahorse is made of Oōruritē) in Punaworat Gallery, located in Kellos City in Tucalyos. Their residence is unknown.


First known to be located by a Earth Genasi walking around Bain Lake near the Viking Ruins, within the Kilt region of Malnax.


Oōruritē only founds on Enjils Aura Sitaare, in a location where a star lands when visiting Esau.

Item type
Jewelry / Valuable

Wondrous item, very rare

Figurines of Wonderous Power
On Esau, there is the addition of very rare Oōruritē Feathered Rabbit figurines - which become Wonderous Creatures of giant rabbits.

large uncut Oōruritē weighs 985 grams
average found is approx. 7×5 mm
Base Price
2,000 gp to 10,000 gp depends on size and condition (powdered is only 500 gp)


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