Half-elves are humanoids born through the union of one of Elves and one of Human. Otherwise their parents also were both Half-Elf.
Whether a half-elf is raised by their Human parent or their Elven parent, they tend to feel isolated and alone - unless in a Half-Elven community.
They take around twenty-five years to reach adulthood. They mature more quickly when raised by Elves -who think they look like humans, which makes them feel like an outsider.
They value both personal freedom and creative expression, demonstrating neither love of leaders nor desire for followers. They avoid rules, resent demands of others, and sometimes prove unreliable (especially if feel taken advantage of), or at least unpredictable.
Half-elves usually wear the outfits and hairstyles of the culture among which they have been raised. However, it is also fairly common for half-elves raised among humans to wear elven clothing, in order to proudly display signs of their dual heritage. Regardless of what they wear, half-elves stand out in most crowds through the combination of physical distinctiveness and force of personality.
Basic Information
Biological Traits
Vision: Darkvision, Low-light vision
Appearance: Skin colour(s) = Varies by race and ethnicity of parents
Hair colour(s) = Varies by race and ethnicity of parents
Eye color(s) = same as elven parent
Like humans, half-elves have a wide variety of complexions, some of which are inherited from the elven half of their heritage, such as a tendency for metallic-hued skin and inhuman hair colours.
For example, half-moon Elves typically exhibited a pale, bluish tint around the ears and chin, while half-sun Elves had a colour more reminiscent of bronze, with hair of gold.
Half-elven ears are about the same size as Human ones, but like Elves, they are pointed on the ends (usually not as promiantly as Elves). Half-elves are notably more durable and passionate than either Elves or humans - a unique result of the two races' blending.
Appearance: Skin colour(s) = Varies by race and ethnicity of parents
Hair colour(s) = Varies by race and ethnicity of parents
Eye color(s) = same as elven parent
Like humans, half-elves have a wide variety of complexions, some of which are inherited from the elven half of their heritage, such as a tendency for metallic-hued skin and inhuman hair colours.
For example, half-moon Elves typically exhibited a pale, bluish tint around the ears and chin, while half-sun Elves had a colour more reminiscent of bronze, with hair of gold.
Half-elven ears are about the same size as Human ones, but like Elves, they are pointed on the ends (usually not as promiantly as Elves). Half-elves are notably more durable and passionate than either Elves or humans - a unique result of the two races' blending.
Civilization and Culture
Naming Traditions
Major Language Groups and Dialects
* Common
* Elven
* Common
* Elven
From when Elves and the Human race first had interactions, there have been cases of half-elves being born. Yet, in spite of this, the race typically remained rare enough that, except in rare circumstances, half-elves had not congregated together in large enough numbers to form true communities. This changed in the last two centuries, as Half-Elf communities formed throughout Esau.
Historically, half-elves had flourished when elven societies, such as the ancient empire of within the Kilt region of Malnax. As more an more Elvian societies expected Humans within them.
Some Half-Elves were born from conquest by people of the Human race over the Elves - or vice versa. In more benign cases, half-elves were common where humans and Elves have learned to live in harmony rather than in opposition. Cultural mixing was especially commoon in the large cities, like Jeyton City.
Historically, half-elves had flourished when elven societies, such as the ancient empire of within the Kilt region of Malnax. As more an more Elvian societies expected Humans within them.
Some Half-Elves were born from conquest by people of the Human race over the Elves - or vice versa. In more benign cases, half-elves were common where humans and Elves have learned to live in harmony rather than in opposition. Cultural mixing was especially commoon in the large cities, like Jeyton City.
+ Half-Elves
+ Half-Elf Names
128–180 years
Average Height
4′7″‒6′3″ (1.4‒1.9 m)
Average Weight
84‒240 lb (38‒110 kg)
Geographic Distribution
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