The Pass of Specters Geographic Location in Erthos | World Anvil

The Pass of Specters

A great ravine in the southern section of the Elven woods, known to be a haunted land. In the ravine are countless passageways, tunnels, and caverns. It is most known to be the home of Specters, elven Spirits who have died but refuse to pass on to The Eternal Domain. During the day it is relatively safe to travel through but no fool would be caught there once the sun has fallen.   Brave elven adventures often descend into the pass, hoping to find treasures or lost tombs of their people. They are often extremely careful and only go during the day. So far only one grand discovery has been made, by the Elven Wizard Arleo and his apprentice at the time Gilldrean. They descended into the tunnels, with a map that led them to a portal to a dimension in the Spirit Realm. This dimension was a lost library of elven lore guarded by a Spirit known as the Caretaker.


A deep ravine that stretches north to south, where the Specters of long-dead elves dwell.


Small plants and Shrubs can survive in the ravine but for the most part animals and creatures stay away for fear of the Specters.

Localized Phenomena

Specters seem ever-present in the ravine, although over the years many adventurers have defeated a great many.


The Pass of Specters has existed since before the Age of Mortals, and the Specters who dwell in it as well. The elves do not know any of the history of it from before.   50 AM: The Wizard Arleo and his apprentice at the time, Gilldrean, discover a portal to plane of the Caretaker.


Only adventurers are brave enough to take this route. Desperate merchants will as well but only as an absolute last resort.
Gorge / Rift
Location under
Inhabiting Species