Elven Woods Geographic Location in Erthos | World Anvil

Elven Woods

The Elven Woods are the main land inhabited by the elves. Even though they once roamed the lands of Erthos before the mortal races came they decided to isolate themselves in the woods. There are no cities hidden in the boughs, and few permanent homes, The Elves move about in families, always on the move hunting or such.  

Elven Families.

  • The Galesword Family: a family of elves best known for their martial abilities and for their willingness to leave the woods to fight orcs and serve as mercenaries.
  • The Greentrail Family: A tribe of druids who cares for the woods and making sure that it is protected. They live mostly in the north to make sure that the Desert of Ruins doesn't spread.
  • The FireFly family: They are known for their nomadic ways and for being the family that has settled most out of the Elven Woods. They care the least about politics but they are among one of the most populace families.
  • The Arcalli Family: The family that is known for its arcane gifts. They believe that elves should be the dominant species on Erthos once again.
  • The Farsight Clan: It is said that this clan is descendent from the Fairies themselves so they are given a healthy amount of respect among the other families. They believe that they should be the rulers over the entire region.
  • The Suntouched Family: Those who reside mostly in the Western section of the woods, are known to travel through the Desert of Ruins. They are the most interested in solving the Forgetting; believing that it will reveal their family history.

Important Locations.

  The Meeting House of Elves lies in the center of the Woods. Here is where the families can all gather and discuss the events of the world.   The Arcane Tree is home of the Archmage Kalliene Goldroots who teaches many young elves the principles of magic.


All of the region is covered in forest.   In the southern section is a deep trench that is known as the The Pass of Specters.

Fauna & Flora

Great trees grow in the woods, called Qurranti trees, and they are often the homes of the elves. The only permanent structures of the elves are often high in the trees. It is also said that they have a living spirit within them which protects the forest.   The Elven Woods is also the only known place where the Golden Lily grows, a plant that is said to heal any illness.
Alternative Name(s)
Land of The Ancients
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species

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