Fort of Undria Building / Landmark in Erthos | World Anvil

Fort of Undria

Home of the Order of the Sword Captains , one of the most secure areas in all of the Earador. It is the only poly-race settlement in the Elven Woods.   While mostly human sword captains live in the fort, the other races do have a few members who call it home. Similar to the Isle Of Mystrium the fort is considered neutral in all affairs and the regions do not impose their will on it. Even the Elves do not attempt to influence the fort or its duties.

Purpose / Function

To provide a home to train new sword captains and can also be used as a judicial building and prison.


The only tourists that come to this area are usually those who want to visit the dungeons that run beneath the fort.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Articles under Fort of Undria