Specter Lord Species in Erthos | World Anvil

Specter Lord

When an elven spellcaster dies in the Elven Woods with unfinished business or great malice, their spirit remains trapped one the Mortal Plane as a Specter Lord. They can control the mundane specters and retain their intelligence but not their identities.   Fortunately for the mortals, there are not many Specter Lords for they abjure life and with their powers, they could serious harms to the world. Like their less powerful cousins, they can not survive in the daylight. One Specter Lord dwells inThe Pass of Specters while another has been reported in theSwamp of Illisium.

Basic Information


They appear to be elves but made of shadow. Unlike their featureless cousins, the Specters, these being do retain their facial features although always with a hint of malice on their faces.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unable to reproduce

Growth Rate & Stages

No Life Stages, except for a second death.

Ecology and Habitats

They dwell in places where elves once lived.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Specter Lords do not share power with one another. They rule over other specters.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

There is one in The Pass of Specters and one in the Swamp of Illisium.   There is rumor that there is a demi-plane in The Spirit Realm that is ruled by the very first Specter Lord.

Average Intelligence

intelligent, with a disposition to malevolence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Specter lords retain most of the magical abilities that they had in life. Only healing magic is inaccessible to them. They also have formidable necromantic magic under their command.

Civilization and Culture


Specter Lords have been around since the first elven spellcaster died with unfinished business. The first Specter Lord took the name Altirra and it is said that he remembered his elven life. He began to terrorize the elven communities, killing all that he could, and he found that he could take those he slew and make them rise again.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Shadowy figures