Struka Geographic Location in Era of Expansion | World Anvil
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The border world Struka was colonized by the FTS for a multitude of reasons: Firstly, it appeard multiple times in pieces of intel collected on JY 1889 b, its gravitational signature is nearly .9x the strength of earth's despite being nearly 3x the size, emitted a faint psionic signature, and showed to be habitable to carbon/water based lifeforms.


The planet features a diverse array of biomes; from sprawling forests filled with megafauna to hot, sandy deserts. Most curiously, a swampy strip of land surrounds the equatorial region of the planet, called the "Wet Belt."

Fauna & Flora


The planet is rich in planet life, from small algae-like plant lifeforms to giant trees superficially resembling sequoias and conifers. It seems as if seeds have not evolved on the planet yet, as most complex plant life still utilize spores for reproduction.


Struka is home to various pseudo-reptilian creatures of varying sizes which fill varying ecological niches. Insectoid creatures that more closely resemble crustaceans also inhabit the planet, and fill niches that may be filled by insects on earth.

  • Meganiduson - Giant sextapedal herbivore that houses the nests of eusocial insectoids. These insectoids offer the creature substantial protection and a mobile platform that is always where fresh vegetation is.

Natural Resources

The planet's resource composition is non-remarkable; being composed of standard elements and being only slightly more resource-saturated compared to earth.



  • Science outposts
  • Military outposts
  • Experimental weapons test sites
  • Experimental genetic tests


  • Formation of city-states
  • Rend-gate established
  • Experimental planetary defense grid established
  • Crust exploration initiated


  • Quelakki discovered, cult formed, tens of thousands mind controlled
  • Planet destabilized due to rogue-factions appearing from global "insanity wave" emitted by quelakki
  • Millions flock to planet seeking adventure and profits due to extreme unrest


Thousands of individuals seeking adventure flock to struka to work for their defense force and paramilitary contractors; seeking to make a name for themselves on this wild-west world of destabilized Terran society.

Alternative Name(s)
JY 553270.7-073389.1 Ba, JY 5507 a
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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