Khalaban Language in Equilibrium | World Anvil


The language of the Deep Space Rosetta Tables or DSRS, an artifact found on Pluto.
An unknown race of galactic travelers creates the language, to ensure the survival of their legacy. Visiting Earth on a few occasions they left us the voynich manuscript. Until they found the DSRS no one was capable of deciphering the language. It wasn't until Khaleban, an advanced A.I. working as hive mind for NanoBots got connected by accident. One of the researchers was examining the stone with an uton sensory array when the stone bounced back an intense radiation beam, severing the researchers left hand. from his body, complete cutting the suit and all. the nanobots jumped into action but the researcher was already dying and toppeling face forward on the black slab of glass. The hive minded nanobots touched the surface and instantly a connection was formed between the nanobots and the slab. The body of the researcher was consumed in the process and the material was altered to make a more efficient connection.

The text on the slab is now known to the A.I. but it knows it needs way more storage capacity. This is currently a problem as the A.I has no way to reach earth. The DSRS has plans for a way of communication but that ment flying back or manipulate matter onboard to change the ship into a transmitter. The latter was decided by the A.I. and instantly the remaining humans where used as buildling material. It would still take a long time to rebuild teh ship into a transmitter capable of manipulating an earth A.I. to build a reciever. On earth people are still unaware of the events that occurred on the ship nor the events that will occur on earth sooner or later.

  about the stone
The tablet is telling about a way to use the stone to learn communications, travel and more. The stone has also coordinates of remote ancient civilisations, as well as warnings and huge amounts of knowledge. The stone also has a manual on how to read and unlock, but since the language is unknown it had to be discovered by accident. (with some horrible and sad events)
Although it was not the intention of the A.I. or the DSRS to kill the people it happened out of some form of necessity. The DSRS learend that these actions are unwanted and is no longer using humans as a resource. It expressed sadness on learning the details.


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