
Tardigrade Micro Organism (nanobot)

A species of working animal

Although the mane does imply something mechanical like a robot, it is not. The nanobot is a (set of) microscopic genetic altered creatures, manipulated and DNA sequenced to perform tasks. They are member of a hive mind that is created within a virtual reality inside a quantum computer (VRQC) to contol their behavior. The tardigrade, well known for its resilience is used for this process. The used species are altered to be smaller then the original species. The species are categorised in several different types (like material delivery carriers, cell repair and remove, dispersers and collectors) The hivemind enables them to work coordinated. A Qantum Computer is needed to coordinate in a usefull way.

Basic Information


more then 1800 different kinds. most are eight legged (four pairs) and capable of surviving in the harshest conditions. There are a few altered created that are considered extremophilic. (but so far they are not yet usable as nanobots.

Genetics and Reproduction

original around two weeks, but after genetic manipulation they can be created within 2 minutes. (lifespan active is however a few weeks.)

Growth Rate & Stages

normally they grow to full potential in 2 weeks. the nanobots are ready in 2 minutes, but do not survive for a long time.

Ecology and Habitats


Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

micro animal capable of long term survival under the harshest conditions. communcate through hivemind. (something the A.I. has determined)
Scientific Name
micro animals


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