Education Department Organization in Emynea | World Anvil

Education Department

As seen in

Amid the various departments keeping the training program running, the education department is at the heart of the entire program. Instructors are carefully selected by the kingdom's scholars and approved of by the Marshall. In the interest of efficiency, most instructors cover an array of courses rather than sticking to any single category or division. There are of course supplementary instructors as well who cover courses not falling under one of the primary instructors.

Instructors and their Courses

Joyce Claire

Magic Concepts (basic and advanced courses), Aquatic Life, Mixing Magics, Magic Recognition, Geography, 'Beings' in Beasts and Beings

Yannick Baudin

Military Drills and Formations, Signals and Orders, Leadership and Maneuver Communication, History and Mythology, Heavy Weapons, Voice Magic

Zeki Aydem

Strategy Courses, Retreats and Advances, Topography of the Battlefield, Ally Assessment, Eyes and Senses (Racial Magic), Voices and Whispers (Racial Magic), Dueling, Sparring, One-handed Swords

Gan, Spirit of Fliris

Survival, Hunting and Tracking, Self-Defense, Hand Weapons, Unarmed Combat, Strength and Agility (racial magic), Lunil Forms

Felicity Minx

Aerial Drills, Aerial Magic, Aerial Combat, Flight Basics, Flight in Difficult Terrain, Auras, Ferith Magic, Dual Blades

Simona Albescu

Scouting, Stealth and Stealth, Flight Support, Archery, Mathematics and Trajectory, Sniping, Assassination (ranged), Daggers and Knives, Silence (racial magic)


Martial Arts, Polearms (blunt), Physical Sabotage/Debilitation, Touches and Charges (racial magic), Steps and Movements (racial magic)

Alma Prado

Equine Basics, Equine Advanced, Mount Defense, Rescue and Transportation, Beast Care, Shields, Fertility (racial magic)

Berenger Chevalier

Cavalry Drills, Beast Taming and Training, 'Beasts' in Beasts and Beings, Charging and Flanking, Spears and Lances, Beast Summoning, Beast Manipulation

Arridhaois Maksim

Aquatic Drills, Aquatic Combat, Swimming Basics and Advanced, Forks and Tridents

Setia Scylla

Aquatic Magic, Aquatic Infiltration, Poisons, Assassination, Wylrith Magic, Physical Manipulations (racial), Aquatic Stealth, Aquatic Forms, Harpoons, Darts and Needles

Izil Mazigh

Ranged Magic, AoE Attacks, Target Selection, Accuracy Drills

Wiktoria Rogina

Music Courses, Emotional Enhancement, Wills and Shadows (racial magic), Crafts (racial magic), Picks and Pickaxes, Javelins/Throwing Spears

Education, Faculty
Parent Organization
Notable Members

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!


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