Makriathea Settlement in Emicara | World Anvil


Makriathea is a farming and trading town in the western Patridaxos. Nearby to the larger cities of Pegrama and Parthenonas, Makriathea was once known as one of the great trading towns of Alsona. Goods from the western parts of the nation and even from the Shin Empire used to come up through Makriathea to be sold in market at the larger cities. Unfortunately, the closure of Shin borders and the Wingo War have caused a bit of a downturn in the fortunes of the town. Thankfully, the situation has not deteriorated as much as it has in neighboring Etheridge, and the people of Makriathea continue to enjoy a decent standard of living.


The people of Makriathea are nearly entirely Alsonan humans, although a sizeable minority of half-elves can be found among the populace. A small amount of dwarves still live among the humans, although they retain a status as second class citizens, and are typically denied entry into the heart of town, viewed commonly as spies. Besides the dwarves, other races are cautiously welcomed in Makriathea, but no sizeable minority exists of any other race.


The reigning noble of the region of Makriathea is the direct ruler over the town and its environs. She appoints any delegates or individuals required for solving problems relating to the town's administration, and over the years a form of bureaucracy has emerged for the purposes of defense and tax collection. Although the town's defense has recently been turned over to the Royal Army of Alsona in the wake of the Wingo War, law and order is still upkept by the countess' employees, including guards and appointed judges.


Makriathea possesses a stout stone wall that served its purpose during the Wingo War, but no other static fortifications. These defenses are manned by two full time regiments of the Royal Army, which provide the defenders required in case of a raid or assault. The countess continues to maintain her own smaller personal levy of trained house guards, who also provide order and law enforcement in the town and the surrounding region. Both of these forces could be further supplemented in the case of invasion by a militia of around eight hundred trained fighters.

Industry & Trade

The importance of the trading center of Makriathea has declined, and its upper classes have done their best in looking to find a new avenue of wealth. Many have failed in this effort and have been forced to sell off what remained of their old businesses, but some have continued to thrive. Those who have been successful have found the roots of a new prosperity in the growing fields and farms surrounding the town. Agriculture has proven to be a boon as old trade routes for luxury food items have been lost with the Wingo War and the closure of the Shin Empire. The foods grown locally are then sold at markets in Pegrama, providing a solid income for those with land and the people to work it.


Although the heyday of Makriathea has long since passed into history, the rulers of the town have done their best to keep up appearances and keep their people safe. Funds never materialized for any sort of sanitation system, but the majority of roads are paved and oil lamps provide lighting throughout the night. Large mills have also been financed and built for the processing of local grains and crops, helping to fuel a new source of local economy. Camping areas are also still maintained for traveling caravans and traders, but for the most part these have been allowed to fall into disuse.


The wealth of Makriathea has diminished since its times of glory, but it still has plenty to offer for the wandering adventurer. Two reputed inns offer lodgings and accommodation, providing a warm and safe place to sleep. Caravans do not stop here as often as they used to, but many that do are loaded for bear with exclusive trade goods for the rich and elite of Pegrama and Parthenonas, and will often sell their goods more cheaply here than they will in the cities. There is local weapon and armor smiths, but they are limited in resources and availability, and rarely have anything of true interest for the mercenary.
Founding Date
846 AF
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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