Etheridge Settlement in Emicara | World Anvil


The town of Etheridge was a major trading town, acting as a transit point for numerous goods. Built on the very edge of the Patridaxos, it exists mostly as a junction between the northern and southern parts of Patridaxos. Supply caravans and traders from the west all have to pass through here before heading east to more lucrative destinations. The markets here featured exotic goods from the Shin Empire in happier times, but with the closure of the border, that has dried up, and what trade was left was badly mauled during the Wingo War. Most caravans now simply pass through or stop briefly at the inns. Entertainment and lodging have proven to be the only part of the economy that has prospered as of late, and abandoned buildings and homes abound throughout the area as people leave for greener pastures.

Despite the extreme drop in trading with the Shin Empire and the war with the dwarves being the primary factor behind the town’s decline, Mayor Drakon Terzis has become the convenient scapegoat for the local population. He has been forced into reclusion, having been appointed eight years ago by local aristocracy. All but the handful of remaining wealthy innkeepers and businessmen blame the mayor for the town’s decline. He has avoided a number of assassination attempts and various other forms of protest, and has spent most of the treasury on bodyguards to protect himself and mercenaries to suppress riots and dissent among the population. Many want him dead or exiled for his continued failure to restore the economy.


The overwhelming majority of the town's population are Alsonan humans. A handful of the residents do have Shin ancestry from the years of Shin occupation and later trade routes. There had previously been a large half-elf and dwarf population within, but the tensions of the Wingo War had lasting consequences, and the first target for the population's rage was upon these minorities, most of whom were suspected of spying for elf and dwarf raiders during the war. They have since left, most migrating to Valtkos Wingo.


Although technically the land of the town is owned by the aristocracy and the lands themselves controlled by the noble house of Makriathea, governance of the town falls to an appointed mayor, who is elected from the landed aristocracy of Etheridge. The Countess of Makriathea typically has the deciding vote in case of a tie, allowing the appointment of a mayor until he is deemed unsuited for his position. The mayor himself then makes his own appointees and delegates to handle affairs of the town as they are required. An existing bureaucracy helps maintain the trades of the town, but defense and law have been turned over to the Royal Army of Alsona since the Wingo War.


The Royal Army of Alsona provides for the full defense of the community. As the closest town to Zachari Crossing, the garrison is charged with protecting the supply lines to this vital bulwark against the dwarves of the west. Three full regiments are regularly rotated in the defense and area around Etheridge to protect it from possible invasion. These forces could be supplemented by an organized militia of roughly four hundred individuals, most of whom are very poorly armed and trained. The walls of the town are in severe states of disrepair, and while they are still deemed viable for defense, there has been strong pressure from the army upon the mayor's office to do more to restore the bastions of Etheridge's defense.


The lack of trade and taxes has caused the town to suffer heavily over the past few decades. The Wingo War was the final nail in the coffin, as nearly all of the treasure of Etheridge was seized either by enemy raiders or confiscated by the Royal Army for the war effort. The roads are poorly maintained, and lighting efforts in the night have been completely abandoned. The little income that the town has possessed has been redirected to security efforts to protect aristocrats and bureaucrats from the growing tides of discontent peasantry and citizens.


Despite the town's economic decline, Etheridge still has much to offer the adventuring party. The trade companies that still trade with Valtkos Wingo or the Sypi Confederacy still venture through here and will stop for a night or encampment. They provide their own goods and services both to wanderers and residents of the community. Local markets also provide the sale of food and standard household goods, and three inns exist to service those who stop within town, although two of them have fallen upon hard times and are known as less reputable establishments today. Those looking to be employed as mercenaries can also find plenty of work in Etheridge, as local law enforcement and defense have shriveled up, and people often need hired hands to collect on debts or protect their businesses.
Founding Date
208 AF
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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