The Iotruyla River Basin Geographic Location in Emaxus | World Anvil
Emaxus is currently undergoing a large entry into a new Age (and a large revision of the current Age). Consider this an active construction zone: things are moving around, getting changed, and the world's being reorganized. Apologies for the inconvenience!
- Brian

The Iotruyla River Basin

Credits to Richard Morgan for the cover art!
The region known as the Iotruyla River Basin is a land of peaceful, blue skies and white clouds, tranquil forests, and rolling hills. With an eastern horizon often framed by the broken mountains of the Severed Tops and the glimmering waves of the Bay of Silver to the south, the Iotruyla River Basin appreciates peace and prosperity near unrivaled in Emaxus. Sitting centrally on the continent of Iotura, the Iotruyla River Basin is framed by mountains to the east, rocky shores to the south, and a range of hills that form a barrier to the north and west. Meanwhile, dense forests pockmark the otherwise unbroken hills and farmlands of the breadbasket region.   It is within this river basin that Yathra Silthame, largest and most ancient of the four Shelter Cities, makes its home.  

Bay of Silver

The Bay of Silver is the body of water that forms the southern shoreline of the Iotruyla River Basin and where the Iotruyla River itself reaches the sea. The waters of the Bay of Silver are often calm, and the gentle, lapping waves of the bay are often jokingly referred to as the "Waves of Silver", as they have a knack for creating beautiful, sparkling reflections from the sun at all times of day, given that the weather's relatively clear. Luckily for traders and pilgrims, the weather tends to be beautiful and peaceful, given the bay's temperate climate, and as such, the Bay is a maritime trade artery flowing in and out of Iotura. Almost all of these goods pass through and into/out of the Port of Yathra Silthame, the main feature of the Bay of Silver. And while the bay appreciates peace by and large, some of the darker coves of the vast coastline of the Bay house pirates, sea creatures, and worse.  


Large City <> Population: 36,832 (96% dwarf, 4% other)   Through the winding forests and hills that form the foothills of the Severed Tops is a road of meticulously set stone, well-maintained and proper, which eventually leads to a set of stone stairs set into the base of the mountains. Following this staircase nearly half a mile up, one can find an imposing dwarven citadel of dark iron and steel set into the face of the mountain it inhabits. This citadel is the tip of the metaphorical iceberg that is Demtodhir, one of the most ancient homes of dwarven culture in Emaxus. Demtodhir was a powerful dwarven kingdom during the Age of Rebirth, famous (or infamous, to some) for its daring expeditions and deep understanding of the alien realms of Xaecreotis. But the quakes of the Reckoning laid ruin to all of Emaxus, and Demtodhir was no different. The earth-shaking battles of the God-Wars brought a sharp end to the dwarves' exploration as the many halls and tunnels of their kingdom collapsed, shattered, or, perhaps worst of all, were taken by dark entities, those serving the Obsidian Lords or other, mysterious masters. Tens of thousands of dwarves suffocated, starved, or were slaughtered in pitch black tunnels and rooms, and the halls of Demtodhir lay silent for years.   It was in the early second century AT that dwarven settlers, survivors of Demtodhir who had fled to the Silver City, came north from Yathra Silthame to reclaim their heritage. They found the ancient gates into the kingdom and began their excavation and settlement. Over several decades, they reopened the main, cavernous chambers of the city, and Demtodhir was reformed. But in the many centuries since, as the dwarven kingdom has regrown, the proud, new inhabitants of Demtodhir have sought to reclaim their heritage. They have fought tooth and nail to excavate and reclaim hall after hall, fighting back the horrible, isolated pockets of dark influences, Obsidian Lord and otherwise.   Today, the Demtodhir dwarves are immensely proud of the work they've done, but know that there is always more. No one truly knows the extent to which the original Demtodhir grew, and new areas seem to be discovered daily. But as the dwarves explore deeper and deeper, reclaiming their ancient understanding of the Realms Below to fight back against the denizens of the depths, the horrors they face grow stronger and stronger. And, perhaps most worrying is the presence of a new influence the creatures claim to serve, one that the few who are taken captive refuse to reveal the identity or intentions of, but seems to have a growing hold in the dark below.  


Demtodhir is ruled by Clan Demtodhir, whose members claim to have blood from the original Clan Demtodhir who ruled the original Demtodhir before the Reckoning and managed to survive. Whether or not these claims are true no one cares to contest, as it was Brullin Demtodhir who led the reclaimers that began Demtodhir's resettlement, and it was she who began the modern Clan Demtodhir's bloodline. While Clan Demtodhir itself is the ruling family, ultimately all power rests in the Deeplord, the title granted to the monarch-like ruler of Demtodhir. Under the Deeplord's total rule, the city of Demtodhir appreciates efficient government projects and a strong infrastructure built to support the people. The current Deeplord is Adgrun Demtodhir, a cunning dwarf who has held their power for nearly a century, and is the great-grandchild of Brullin Demtodhir herself. Even compared to previous Deeplords, Adgrun has sought to delve deeper and deeper into the Realms Below, and to continue discovering their ancient ancestral halls, but under their rule, the dwarves of Demtodhir have appreciated prosperity and freedom.   Demtodhir is protected by the Bulwarks, the standing army of Demtodhir. Kept at a steady number of 2,000, the Bulwarks are a highly elite and heavily armed army of dwarven warriors, most members of which are veterans or the progeny of such, and many of the Bulwarks are a part of family lines of the elite soldiers.  


Demtodhir appreciates extraordinarily low crime rates, for two main reasons: one, the overwhelmingly dwarven population of Demtodhir are devout followers of Kaedo, and believe in family and community above all else. Two, those crimes that do occur are brutally punished by decree of the Deeplord, usually resulting in exile or interned labor, even for petty theft. Even beyond these two main reasons, the handful of outsiders or non-devotees of the Flame Within the Forge generally appreciate equitable economic equality and prosperity, also by decree of the Deeplord. As far as organized crime goes, the Bulwarks are ever-vigilant, and as of yet, no major syndicate has successfully established a foothold within the halls of Demtodhir.  

Proud Heritage

Though only Clan Demtodhir can claim a direct line to the prestigious pre-Calamity dwarven kingdom that they seek to rebuild, all dwarves in Demtodhir understand the once hallowed grounds they tread, and understand their mission is of the utmost importance to all dwarves. Who knows what untold riches, knowledge, and ancient dwarven rites remain buried within Demtodhir's seemingly endless labyrinth of collapsed halls? Every inch of progress made into the dark below is another inch closer to understanding the history of their people, and that fact alone drives the dwarves of Demtodhir, stoking their inner flame to push ever onward, even in the face of the horrors that inhabit their ancestors' abandoned homes.  

Pious, but Adventurous

Most dwarves provide praise to Kaedo frequently, and Demtodhir dwarves are no different. The Forge of the Flame features prominently in the city, and one would be hard pressed to discover a dwarf within Demtodhir who was not devout to the Fire within the Forge. But beyond that, the dwarves of Demtodhir are adventurous. Many Demtodhir dwarves live to boldly go forth, whether into the depths to reclaim the glory of Demtodhir's past or out into the world to claim new glory for themselves, their clan, and for all dwarves.  

Corruption Spreading

Despite Demtodhir's pious population and strong ideals, there has been an increasing corruption growing in the shadows of the city. All sorts of people within Demtodhir, from dwarven priests of Kaedo to outsider merchants, are beginning to suffer nightmares. Rarely do these people remember the details of these nightmares, only one, haunting feature: a massive, orange and red eye, like that of some dark, forgotten god watching them. Many fear that this has to do with the increasingly deep expeditions into the lost halls of pre-Reckoning Demtodhir but few speak to stop them, as they would much rather reclaim their ancestral glory. But some, either critics of the Deeplord or outsiders with no interest in Demtodhir's past glory, speak of something much more sinister at work and what may come if the expeditions do not stop...  


Demtodhir is carved out of one of the many mountains of the Severed Tops, positioned almost exactly 45 miles to the northeast of Garthram. Demtodhir has one publicly known entrance and exit, the Doors of Demtodhir. The Doors of Demtodhir are a pair of nearly 100-foot tall, several foot thick iron gates that sit half a mile up the mountain Demtodhir is set in, accessed by the thousands of stone stairs leading up to them, and framed by two similarly massive statues of pre-Reckoning Demtodhir dwarves, which were restored in the early years of the city's reclamation.   From the Doors of Demtodhir, one comes into the city itself, which is divided into five main districts excluding the unreclaimed halls of Demtodhir, which are dubbed the Lost Halls of Demtodhir. These areas, in no particular order, are: the Core, the Smithworks, the Hammerhast, the Thuldorrealm, and the Ultokcave. Each of these districts is separated by the tall, cavernous walls of the mountain Demtodhir rests in, and can only be accessed by roads that connect each district, which are each guarded by an impressive dwarven keep that connects the mountain walls and is garrisoned by fifty Bulwarks a piece.   See: the Map of Demtodhir for the physical representation for this city.  
The Core
The Core is the first district of Demtodhir that one reaches upon entering the city. This district is a residential district arrayed around the Deeplord's Throne, the palace-like structure in the center of the district from which the Deeplord rules. Surrounding the Deeplord's Throne are the Seats of the Clans, the manor-like estates within which the four most powerful clans of Demtodhir live, these clans being Demtodhir, Warhelm, Steelflayer, and Firebelt. Like a constellation of satellites surrounding these four complexes are the homes of the wealthiest merchants and politicians in the city, butting up against the mountainous walls of the district.  
The Deeplord's Throne   The "palace" of Demtodhir, the Deeplord's Throne is a four-winged complex, with the actual throne room in the heart. Beginning with the wing facing the Doors of Demtodhir's right is the Archives of the Dwarven Legacy, where the great records of Demtodhir's past, present, and future are maintained and kept by Clan Demtodhir's greatest scribes. Helming this is Grand Archivist Edmyl. She is a renowned historian and mage, and ensures the great repositories of knowledge of Demtodhir are kept true and pure, securing her a strong alliance with the monks of the Cobalt Soul, who aid her in protecting and managing the archives.   Moving clockwise from the Archives of the Dwarven Legacy is the Halls of Honor, within which the first Bulwarks of Demtodhir trained. With the creation of the Hammerhast, the military strength of the Halls of Honor is no longer needed. Instead, it has become a mausoleum, within which the greatest dwarven heroes of Demtodhir are interred. At the heart of the Halls of Honor rests the Axe of Demtodhir, the great waraxe wielded by the dwarven lords of pre-Reckoning Demtodhir, and wielded by Brullin Demtodhir when she and the first reclaimers of the dwarven city slew the horrid aberrations that had laid claim to the cavern that would become the Core. Today, it rests within the Halls of Valor, awaiting the day the next great dwarven hero shall take it in arms to defend Demtodhir, dwarves abroad, and all of Emaxus.   Clockwise of the Halls of Honor is the Deeplord's Quarters, an entire wing devoted to the Deeplord's needs. Within are the personal quarters of the Deeplord and their closest allies, as well as their personal armories, bathing rooms, and lounges. Clockwise of the Deeplord's quarters is the final wing, the Embassy of Demtodhir's Allies, a dense wing where the Deeplord navigates the complex world of foreign politics, and the ambassadors of Yathra Silthame, Kubrington, Eswa, and Theussau make their homes. Since the onset of the Heartland War and the War Against Orakgra, the ambassadorial settings of the Throne have become... heated, to say the least.   The Hall of the Deeplord is the name of the throne room, the heart of the Deeplord's Throne. This opulent, dwarven throne hall is where the Deeplord handles the grievances of the people of Demtodhir, plans the further reclamation of the nearly endless, lost dwarven halls of the Age of Rebirth, and rules the dwarven city. It is connected to all four wings that spread out from it, and the Throne of the Deeplord within is one of the most ancient structures in all of Demtodhir, as it was the ancient throne of pre-Reckoning Demtodhir's lords, and is what the rest of the palace was built around.
The Smithworks
The Smithworks are the industrial heart of Demtodhir. The walls of this cavernous room remain blackened with the soot and ash of the countless smithies at work within, even in spite of the well-designed ventilation of the cave. At the heart of the dozens of forges within the Smithworks is one of the most revered relics of the Age of Rebirth, the Forge of the Flame. This massive forge was believed to have been created by Kaedo himself during the Age of Rebirth so that the dwarves, the children he wrote from the mountains themselves, could create powerful relics and tools to further their civilization. It is believed that some of the ancient relics known as the Remnants of the Reckoning were forged atop the anvil of the Forge of the Flame, but it has fallen into a state of disuse since the Reckoning. The ancient rites required to power the forge, which is believed to pull heat from the heart of the world itself, have been lost, and even the most master blacksmiths and devout priests of Kaedo have yet to discover how to stoke the forge's ancient coals. Should it be powered again, not only would Demtodhir once again have the ability to forge the most powerful weapons in the world, but, perhaps, the Remnants and other pre-Reckoning weaponry could be reforged and reawoken.  
The Hammerhast
The military heart of Demtodhir, the place where the elite Bulwarks train and rest, and where the expeditions of reclamation prepare before delving into the labyrinth of the dwarves' ancient home, the Hammerhast is a series of citadels that house the weaponry and armies of Demtodhir. On the inner side of the road through Hammerhast are the training yards of the Bulwarks, where the dwarven army keeps their skills as sharp as their axes when not fighting horrors in the lost halls of their ancestors or defending the city. On the outer side of the road is where the bulk of the structures of Hammerhast lie. Nearest the citadels guarding the passes to the neighboring districts of the Smithworks and the Thuldorrealm are the armories of the Bulwarks. Within these great structures, and the vast basements beneath them, the arms and armors of the Bulwarks rest. It is also within these halls that the enchanters of Demtodhir work ceaselessly to empower the weaponry of the higher-ranking Bulwarks, and hope to spread those benefits to all members of the sacred army of the dwarves. Further in from the armories are the barracks in which Bulwarks not at any other station rest and relax. The countless rows of bunks and officers' quarters often change, as Bulwarks are shifted to the number of citadels through Demtodhir, or sent with expeditions into the dark below. And on the outer corner of the road through Hammerhast is the Citadel of the Bulwark, where the Bulwark of Steel, commander of the Bulwarks and right-hand-man of the Deeplord, makes their home, and the leaders of the Bulwarks plan expeditions, expansions to the city and its defenses, and ensure the Bulwarks are kept in top shape.   The current Bulwark of Steel is Bryledryn Warhelm, the first non-Clan Demtodhir Bulwark of Steel and a rugged veteran who has personally led the reclamation of countless halls, and battled the horrors of the dark below for over a century and a half. She remembers the days of the former Deeplord, Tyrim Demtodhir, and though she supports the Deeplord at all times publicly, behind closed doors she has become a vocal opponent to Adgrun's expansive expeditionary policy into the depths of ancient Demtodhir, worrying about the safety of her Bulwarks and of the city as a whole should the expeditions uncover something truly evil. As of yet, these concerns have only been erred to her fellow commanders, but should the situation grow dire, the Bulwarks could very easily stand on the precipice of a military coup d'état, something that Clan Demtodhir likely would not be able to stop.  
The Thuldorrealm
A much smaller cavern than its neighboring Ultokcave, the Thuldorrealm is where the rich who do not hold enough sway to live within the Core make their home. Most of the people within the Thuldorrealm are merchants and retired Bulwarks, but there is the occasional master smith and arcanist who calls the tranquil estates and roads of the neighborhood their home. As expeditions have pushed further and further into the Lost Halls of Demtodhir, the dangers of the depths have been pushed further and further from the Thuldorrealm, allowing its denizens to appreciate peace and quiet, aside from the occasional Bulwark unit or expedition that passes through from Hammerhast on the way to the Lost Halls.  
The Ultokcave
Actually a series of six, nearly identically laid out caves all set side by side, the Ultokcave is where the vast majority of Demtodhir's residents live. Each of the six caves has several neighborhoods of fine dwarven homes, alongside an open market where smiths (those of a more personal trade than the industrial forges of the Smithworks), artisans, and merchants can ply their trades and peddle their wares. In the first of the caverns of the Ultokcave is the Temple of Kaedo.   Given the delicate, mysterious nature of the Forge of the Flame in the Smithworks, few people are allowed to pray there, and so the Temple of Kaedo was constructed. Composed of a main temple within which a gilded stone statue of Kaedo working at his forge features prominently, and then an open courtyard rimmed by stone pillars with a dais and altar at its heart, the Temple of Kaedo is a meticulously maintained altar to the Fire within the Forge to which devotees from all over the city flock to give daily tribute and prayer. Rites and rituals are commonly performed by the Order of the Flame, the clergy in Demtodhir. The Order is led by the high priest of Kaedo, who bears the title the Archflame. While the Order was once against other gods being offered tribute within the temple, the newest Archflame, Thorrom Firebelt, has opened the temple to all followers of the Children of Yamma, and the Order has slowly brought in a handful of priests from the other gods who once defended mortalkind from the Obsidian Lords.  
The Lost Halls of Demtodhir
The Lost Halls of Demtodhir is the moniker given to the vast, labyrinthine system of unreclaimed caverns and halls of pre-Reckoning Demtodhir. Expeditions and Bulwark excursions regularly head into the depths, fighting back denizens of Xaecreotis, monstrosities of the Obsidian Lords, and aberrations of unknown purpose and origin. The further one goes into the Lost Halls, the more of a vice grip the corruption below holds on the caverns, and the more treacherous they, and their inhabitants, become. It is unknown just how vast these halls are, but there seems to be no end in sight as the enemies within the dark below grow stronger and stronger as one goes deeper and deeper. Recently, the chaotic denizens of these ancient halls have seemed to begin abandoning their savage ways, uniting towards some common purpose. What this is, and if it's linked to the nightmares plaguing Demtodhir, no one knows, but Adgrun's continued, aggressive expeditions certainly aren't helping.  
Dungeon Master's Note   When planning for the Lost Halls of Demtodhir, understand that these caverns and halls truly are your playground. Over the centuries, any fathomable creature could've come to hold one or more of the countless caves of this area, so try anything, but consider their purpose there. Are they simply there for survival, or do they have grander aspirations? Do they fit into the general trend of more and more danger as one goes deeper? And of the recent changes in behavior, is it all just a coincidence, or is something horrible truly awaiting in the dark below?


Large Town <> Population: 4,290 (78% human, 12% halfling, 10% other)   Established in 287 AT by the Garth merchant family, Garthram was originally meant to be a trading outpost from which Yathra Silthame could settle more lands and open more trade in the ripe Ioturan Heartland to the west. While it was an important first step towards the trade artery that is the Silverstream Highway today, Garthram rapidly evolved from a trading outpost into the beating heart of the vast farms that feed Yathra Silthame. While originally nestled on the eastern shores of the Iotruyla River, Garthram has since spread across both sides of the flowing body of water. The river is the town's lifeblood, and a vibrant fishing community makes the town their home.  

Flourishing Trade

Though not nearly as large as Kubrington, Garthram is an important stop for traders and travelers making their way to or from the Heartland or Yathra Silthame. While few businesses actually operate out of Garthram, one can find many deals and goods from those staying the night in the town. Most of the residents of Garthram make their living through agriculture, crafting, or fishing, but the largest business in the town is the Riverside Inn, a massive tavern that is nestled both on the Iotruyla River and the Silverstream Highway itself which makes a fortune catering to the abundance of travelers through the city.  


Garthram is ruled not by the Garth family, who still makes the town their home for the most part, but by a democratically elected council known as the Garthian Congregation. With terms lasting ten years, there are five members of the Congregation. Together, this group makes decisions regarding taxation of the town and the running of the militia. It is also by the will of the Congregation that Garthram's sovereignty has been maintained, though rumor has it that the next term cycle will likely have supporters of Yathra Silthame who may seek to get the town annexed.   The town is defended by a small militia of armed and trained Garthram citizens, known as the Garth Brigade. Usually, the Brigade numbers between 100 and 200 members, more than enough to defend the town itself. The miles of surrounding farmsteads are defended by their owners, though big issues are handled by the Brigade and sometimes even the Silverguard or Order of Sunrise.  


Garthram is a clean town, for the most part. Relative economic prosperity means little need for resorting to thievery and the like, but there is the occasional pickpocket or burglar. But, its importance as a trade spot means that, on some of the grimier farmsteads nearby, or in the vast shadows of fields at night, the Blades crime syndicate can do its work clandestinely. Try as the Congregation might to stop them, the vast lands of the Garthian farms are too much to police all at once, and the Blades still slip through the cracks.  


Garthram is cut perfectly in half by the Iotruyla River, then into uneven quarters by the Silverstream Highway. The northeastern quarter, which is called Old Town, was the original area of Garthram, and is where what business that happens in Garthram occurs. While once comprised of homes, forges and other crafting shops now line the various paths and roads of Old Town, and the massive Riverside Inn calls this quarter its home. In the southeast in the Fisherman's Quarter, which is the smallest of the four quarters, but home to some of the most prolific fishermen in Iotura. From this quarter, fishing expeditions to places as far as the Theussaun Ridges are planned, and for some reason, fishermen from across Emaxus come to this hub. The main attraction is Elrick's Fishing Emporium, established by the legendary fisherman Elrick the Angler in the town's early days. No one knows why he picked this spot to settle down, but the landmark is an attraction for anglers and baiters across Emaxus.   The western side of the town is clumped together as Garthram Proper. It is the residential area of the town, and the tight alleys and roads of the quarters are lined with pine wood homes and smaller hovels.  
Garthram Dawn Bridge
One of the main goals of Garthram's establishment was also to fund and maintain a way to cross the Iotruyla River, so bridging the wide, calm river is the Garthram Dawn Bridge. This thirty-foot wide stone bridge is the structure that allows the Silverstream Highway to cross the Iotruyla River, and is thus the trade chokepoint that puts Garthram at a place of such prominence. It gets its name from the series of stone arches that cross the bridge, numbering three in total, with one directly in the center and the other two perfectly splitting the halves of the bridge on either side. The central arch, which is also the tallest, is emblazoned with a gleaming, metallic symbol of the Silver Dawn atop it, enchanted so as to never rust and maintain its glimmer.  
Silverstream Highway
The beating heart of Garthram, the entire town is built along the Silverstream Highway. The trade artery cuts right through the heart of the town, its cobblestone path well-worn but well-maintained. From the Highway many paths and cobble roads branch off, and the town slowly webs out from the clear-cut path the road cuts through the middle. Lining the Highway are one-night shops, small booths set up by travelers and traders stopping in town for the day.  

Iotruyla River

Flowing from the heart of the Severed Tops, and coming down from the northeast from a massive water table of streams and creeks, the Iotruyla River is an important feature of the river basin. For one, it gives the region its name and creates the actual river basin itself, while also providing practically limitless freshwater to the many farms and smaller settlements along its banks and near its flow, before flowing straight through the heart of Yathra Silthame itself, providing the city its lifeblood. From quaint beginnings in the cloud-touching, broken peaks of the Severed Tops, the Iotruyla River has many miles of whitewater rapids that are treacherous to all but the bravest and most experienced river travelers, and infested with creatures of all manner. Once it begins to flatten out and reach the basin, however, the Iotruyla becomes a wide, slow-flowing, peaceful river, with plentiful fish, thriving ecosystems, and strong, stable currents for trade. At its southern mouth, the Iotruyla feeds out into the Bay of Silver.  

Iotruyla River Basin

The namesake of the entire region, the Iotruyla River Basin is the actual geographical feature that both dominates and gives purpose to the rest of the region. Marked by its slight, sloping descent towards the Bay of Silver, the basin actually begins many miles to the north, when the Iotruyla River first becomes the wider, bustling river it is well known to be. With the massive Iotruyla River flowing straight through it, the river basin has lush forests and miles of farmland. Small settlements dot its gentle slopes and green hills, with the massive sprawl of farms that feed Yathra Silthame, as well as the city itself, dominating the entire southern portion of the basin, where the Iotruyla feeds out to the Bay of Silver. While it is mostly civilized, the forests of the basin oft become the homes of bandits, running criminals, or worse, and many creatures stalk the river and the ecosystems surrounding it at night.  

The Ten

During the Age of Rebirth, the thankful and powerful followers of the Children of Yamma constructed a set of massive statues, one of each of the gods, in honor of their saviors. Believed to have been hewn from an entire mountain, these statues came to be known as the Ten, as that is what they numbered, each one standing nearly one hundred and fifty feet tall. From north to south, they represent the gods in alphabetical order by their true name, and are each a site of holy reverence to their respective followers. Despite the attempts of the Obsidian Lords, the Ten are the only wonder to remain standing from the Age of Rebirth, having been defended in the Reckoning by the Silver Dawn and his followers. It is believed that, in an act of love for his fellow gods and rage against the vile gods that besieged his follower, the Silver Dawn single-handedly held off the might of the Obsidian Lords after the first battle at Yathra Silthame as his fellow gods recovered, refusing to allow the Lords to lay a divine finger upon the Children of Yamma's monuments. Today, these monolithic statues stand as a beacon of hope to all in Emaxus, looming like vigilant guardians over the Winterrial Thicket to their west.  

Silverstream Highway

The Silverstream Highway is the most important over-land trade artery in western Iotura, providing relatively safe passage from the Dawn City, Yathra Silthame, all the way to Agrad in the distant southwestern coast of the Ioturan Heartland. Of the stretch of the Highway that is in the river basin, the road is kept well-protected and maintained by Kubrington in the west, Garthram in the center, and Yathra Silthame in the east. These three hubs, working in tandem, keeps the many miles of their sections incredibly well protected, patrolled regularly by their respective militant forces; however, with the increasing violence of the Heartland War, Kubrington has had to pull troops from the Highway to fight against Thouw Pren. Due to this, bandits and other malefactors are growing increasingly bold along the central stretch of this important trade artery  

Valbourg Woods

Covering the lands north and to the west of the Iotruyla River, the Valbourg Woods is a dense forest of tall, dark trees, and thick undergrowth. Largely unsettled, unclaimed, and uncivilized, the Valbourg Woods are home to untold creatures and monsters, including some who have made their way south from the nearby Draconic Wastes. Within the Valbourg Woods, a group of barbaric people known only as the Kin of the Forest (or Forestkin, for short) revere an ancient green dragon named Uldrus, Protector of the Forest. What they and their master's intentions are, no one knows, but they keep largely to themselves and are best left alone.  

Winterrial Thicket

To the north of Yathra Silthame is a dense patch of forest known as the Winterrial Thicket. Used for lumber to fuel Yathra Silthame, Garthram, and sometimes even far off Kubrington, the Winterrial Thicket is renowned for its strong wood and plentiful supply, as well as relative peace and safety. While it has its fair share of wolves, bears, and other forest creatures, as far as aberrations, monsters, or dragons go, the Winterrial Thicket is often referred to as "the safe one" in regards to the forests of the Iotruyla River Basin. It is dotted and rimmed by lumber camps, both industrial and family-ran, but the elves of Yathra Silthame remain vigilant to ensure mass-deforestation does not occur and the spirits of the forest are protected. Helping them with this is the druidic circle that calls the Thicket their home, the Dular. This Circle of Dreams druidic group communes with the fey spirits and forest creatures within the Thicket, and are credited for the tranquility of the woods.  

Yathra Silthame

Large City <> Population: 160,213 (43% human, 23% elf, 18% dwarf, 16% other)   The Silver City, the Shelter City, Home of Humanity, Yathra Silthame is known by many names. It was built upon the ruins of an unknown, ancient settlement, rumored to be the town that the Silver Dawn called home before their divine ascension. It was the largest of the Shelter Cities, those settlements that survived the Reckoning, and was the site of the epic battle that sparked that terrible war. Though much of the city was reduced to rubble in that assault, the core remained and the people of Yathra Silthame rebuilt.   Since the Reckoning, Yathra Silthame has grown into a prosperous and bustling city, which maintains an air of peace and tranquility given its deeply religious nature. Due to its nature as the spiritual center of most world religions, Yathra Silthame is an incredibly diverse city; all manner of races make the city their homes and even more diverse pilgrims can be seen in the city's many temples and its wide streets.   Most of Yathra Silthame is stone and fine wooden buildings segmented into districts, with each district encircled by imposing fifty foot walls, reinforced with iron, blessed by the clergy of the Children of Yamma, and manned by the Silverguard (as well as their impressive ballistae, the Silver Arbalests). The Silverguard patrol the walls, gates, and streets, and keep the city safe, all while staying and training in the Dawn District, the military area of Yathra Silthame. Outside of the city's walls are the Pilgrim's Quarters, the largely wooden hovel/shack slums that sprawl out for several miles from the massive outer walls of the Dawn City. From there, dense farmland occasionally broken by tracts of forest and small farming settlements spreads to the north and west for many miles.  


Given its deeply religious roots, Yathra Silthame is governed by the Temple-Tribunal, the triumvirate of the highest ranking priests from the three main churches of the city: Laianath, Xaen, and Yamma. The Temple-Tribunal and its members can be found in detail in The Factions of Iotura.   The Temple-Tribunal keeps a peaceful rule over the Silver City and has done so for nearly a millennia after coming to power during the Reckoning. The city is policed and protected by the Silverguard, a 5,000 strong elite force of soldiers, paladins, and clerics that report to the Tribunal, as well as the various, smaller temple guards that each clergy maintains.  


Yathra Silthame, being a theocracy, is composed of a highly religious, diverse people. Discrimination is uncommon and, especially compared to other major cities and areas in Emaxus, prejudice is near unheard of. The closest thing to racial disagreements that occur are squabbles amongst different clergies, as some are more racially segregated than others. When it comes to matters of sexual orientation and religion, Yathra Silthame rivals even the Imperium in openness, as the various clergies of the Children of Yamma seek to be as opening and welcoming as possible to all followers of the Pantheon.   While there are some issues in the Pilgrim's Quarters, most people are even more bound in the life of poverty and pilgrimage than those of the clergies and the city proper.  

Churches and Cults

Yathra Silthame is defined by its stature as a holy city, and as such its many churches to the various Children of Yamma features prominently in its character and social climate. The three major churches are to Laianath, Xaen, and Yamma, and their massive temples feature most prominently in the Divine District. Dotting the rest of the district are smaller, but still grand temples dedicated to Alindr, Kaedo, Lythaelos, Syluru, and Valereth. The Arena of Trials, a massive colosseum in the Divine District, is dedicated to Isael, and its annual hosting of the Godsbrawl is a continent-wide event, and An'liceth's temple is in the Twilight District.   But, the brightest lights cast the darkest shadows. Ever since the brutal revelations brought by the violence of the Day of a Thousand Blades, the dark influences of the Obsidian Lords have slowly been growing, leading to increasing violence between dark cults, and the Silverguard, or smaller groups of paladins and adventurers hired or dispatched by the various churches of Yathra Silthame. The most prominent cults are those of the King in Black, but most of the Obsidian Lords are establishing footholds in Yathra Silthame and the surrounding region, and a behind the scenes war between the cults and the churches hunting them is slowly reaching a fever pitch.  

Geography and Climate

Yathra Silthame butts up against the Severed Tops to its east, has a large port to the Bay of Silver to its south, and is surrounded by sprawling farmland to its north and west. It is composed of six districts, the Silver District, the Amakiir District, the Barakor District, the Dawn District, the Twilight District, and the Divine District. The former five districts are arrayed like rays of sunshine from the last district, the Divine District, which is built upon where the original foundations of Yathra Silthame stood, and is nestled directly against the Severed Tops. Thus, when viewed from above, or from the Severed Tops, the city looks like a sunrise, with the Divine District being the sun and the other districts being the rays coming forth from it, spilling out from the mountain range the city borders; however, arrayed outside of the city's walls is the Pilgrim's Quarters, the nice name given to the slums that sprawl out from the city proper.  
Amakiir District
The beating heart of elven society in Yathra Silthame, and most of Iotura, the Amakiir District is the largely elven residential district that was created by the will of the Second Temple-Tribunal during their restructuring of Yathra Silthame. The Amakiir District is situated almost directly parallel with the longitudinal axis, and is technically the most western district because of that. This was on purpose, as this would allow the Amakiir District to reach out closest to the forests and hills nearby and be closer to nature. The Amakiir District is of a distinct architectural style, being mostly elven, and thus being dominated by a large amount of white and green marble and stonework. Opulent, well-manicured gardens are common, and many plazas with fountains and statues riddle the District. Being the slowest to reproduce of the other two racial majorities, the Amakiir District is the most spacious of the residential districts, not in geographical size, but in relative density. There are no dense neighborhoods, the elves of the district instead opting for large, fine homes or communal living areas.   It is also in the Amakiir District that the Embassy of Camaerith was recently establish, and a small detachment of the Arms of Mithril are kept on standby. The Embassy borders against the walls that separate the Amakiir District and the Divine District and is a low, domed annex with several tall, white towers atop it, looking almost like a small palace. Its proximity to the Divine District allows for easy meetings between Camaerithian ambassadors and the Temple-Tribunal, while its location in the Amakiir District allows for elves of Yathra Silthame to connect with their ancient, distant cousins.  
Barakor District
Nestled up along the Severed Tops, the Barakor District is the northernmost district of Yathra Silthame. Dominated by dwarven architecture, the Barakor District actually goes into the mountain range it brushes up against in some areas, and there are even entire neighborhoods carved into the dark rock of the Severed Tops. Being the home of Yathra Silthame's dwarven population, the Barakor District is also the manufacturing heart of Yathra Silthame. It is here that the forges of the dwarven craftsmen that call this place home clang and toil through the days, though factories are restricted for fear of smog dirtying the many temples within the city. The Embassy of Demtodhir is kept here.   The largest industrial complex in the Barakor District is the Stronghammer Forgeworks, a series of mega-forges that produce the arms and armor of the Silverguard and, most importantly, harbor the secret techniques to forging the dragon-killing Silver Arbalests that dot Yathra Silthame's walls and arm its ships. The Forgeworks are run by the Stronghammer clan, the dominant dwarven clan in the Barakor District.  
Twilight District
The military heart of Yathra Silthame and the home of the Silverguard, the Twilight District was established following the assassination of Gallo Sterngrace, the Temple-Tribunal representative from the Temple of Laianath, in 167 AT. After its establishment, the Temple of An'liceth was moved to this district, and it takes a central position among the military encampment-esque district surrounding it. By and large, the Twilight District is mostly barracks, archery yards, training fields, and bathhouses, and has all the facilities necessary to maintain the 5,000 Silverguard that call it home. The Twilight District is also where the Moon's Shadow is located, Yathra Silthame's only prison and the home of many-a captured cultist and criminal.   The eastern part of the Twilight District is dominated by the Dawnbreak Fortress, an imposing keep of stone and steel from which the Silverguard commanders coordinate the efforts of Yathra Silthame's military. It is here that the General of the Silverguard lives, which is a position currently held by General Omaceran, a cunning elven man who served alongside the legendary Ralla Kindguard during the Fragmented War. Omaceran is dedicated to protecting Yathra Silthame, her people, and her many churches and holy sites from the dark influences that seek to prey upon them.   Should the rest of the city fall, it is to the Twilight District that the survivors would fall back to. It is said, albeit in rumors and legends, that the will of the Silver Dawn himself will see to it that Yathra Silthame shall not fall, and that it is because of this the Twilight District shall never fall. And, should it be needed, the ancient sorcerers of the Age of Rebirth created a powerful, hidden weapon beneath the surface of Yathra Silthame. What it is, and where it is, is one of the Silverguard and the Temple-Tribunal's most closely guarded secrets, but rumors abound as to what it may be.  
Divine District
While it is not the central district geographically, the Divine District is the heart of Yathra Silthame, and the symbol of its religious influence around the world. Protected on one side by the Severed Tops (into which the Temple of Laianath is built), and surrounded on all other fronts by Yathra Silthame's imposing walls, the Divine District is the single most important district to the citizens of the Silver City. It is within the Divine District that every single Child of Yamma has a temple (aside from An'liceth), ranging from the massive, glistening temples of Xaen and Yamma to the smaller, more varied temples of Syluru and Lythaelos, who traditionally don't even have temples in cities. The space between these temples is filled with gorgeous plazas, meditation pavilions, and fountains and gardens oft found filled with religious sermons and ceremonies.  
Pilgrim's Quarters
Most people consider Yathra Silthame to be the shining example of what all cities should be, and when asked what they think of the Pilgrim's Quarters, those same people will often cite the Pilgrim's Quarters as an example of what slums should be, if they must exist. Even in the spiritual center of Emaxus, slums are impossible to avoid, in large part due to the constant flux of population in the city on account of merchants and pilgrims. Due to this unstable, constant shifting in population, the various pilgrims, workers, and other poorer-folk who call the Pilgrim's Quarters home took it upon themselves to build their own district.   Largely a small sea of wooden shacks and hovels often bound from roof to roof by dirty clothes and large sheets, the Pilgrim's Quarters looks, from the outside, like any other slum or shanty town. In truth, however, it is quite different. The Pilgrim's Quarters, given their nature as the homes of many pilgrims, spiritual wanderers, and travelling merchants, actually appreciates a religious peace and lack of crime unheard of in other slums. In fact, the spiritual bond that the majority of the people in the Quarters already share is only strengthened by an almost brothers-in-arms style of camaraderie.   But, despite this, in its darker, danker corners, corruption brews. Between organized gangs, cults, and dark creatures that call cities their homes, the Pilgrim's Quarters has its fair share of problems.  
Silver District
The economic heart of Yathra Silthame, the Silver District is the name given to the port of Yathra Silthame and its surrounding warehouses and workshops. The Silver District is aptly named for the enormous amount of goods and gold that flows through its harbors and streets, and one would be hard pressed to find a day that its cobblestone streets aren't filled with carts of good and bustling merchants and workers. The port of Yathra Silthame stretches from the outer walls of the city to the base of the Severed Tops along the coastline, and the white-sand beaches of the Bay of Silver are riddled with wooden and stone docks and harbors here. Dozens of boats of all sizes pull in and out of harbor at all times of day, and the Silver District is the one place in Yathra Silthame that bristles with unbridled efficiency and mercantilism, even with the glistening temples on the horizon. Nevertheless, all who come in and out of the port pay tribute, and it is in the Silver District that all churches in Yathra Silthame find hefty sums of donations. It is here that the Blackstone Trading Corporation runs a large warehouse, and Acquisitions Incorporated keeps their Emaxian headquarters.  
Dawn District
The main hub of humanity in Yathra Silthame, the Dawn District is the most densely populated location -- other than the Pilgrim's Quarters -- in the Silver City. Appearing to some like a sea of red and brown tiled ceilings, the Dawn District is a bustling district of dense neighborhoods nestled right up against sprawling, packed marketplaces and craft hubs. The Dawn District is sandwiched between the Amakiir and Barakor Districts, and could be seen as a mix of the two districts, in some ways. Being relatively short-lived and highly experimental, the humans in the Dawn District have, in many ways, assimilated the best of both cultures surrounding them. In fact, if viewed from above, the Dawn District would look like the gradient shift from the Amakiir District to the Barakor District, starting green and elegant along the south wall bordering the elves before becoming red, brown, and more industrial in the north along the wall bordering the dwarves.   The Dawn District houses several embassies, most importantly the Ministry of Theussau and the Imperium of Aitreas' Embassy.  


Temple of Laianath
The Temple of Laianath occupies the northern side of the massive plaza that sits at the foot of the stairs to the Temple of Yamma. Being the largest temple to Laianath in all of Emaxus, much of the structure is actually built into the Severed Tops. The entrance to the temple is a resolute structure of vaulted and polished grey stone pillars and marble walls which frame a massive open threshold that leads into the mountains. Dubbed the Gateway to Winter, cold blue and stark white torches alternate to light the interior of the temple, which gives the massive, open entrance a shifting, mercurial blue and white appearance. Within the temple itself, there is a massive, circular space dominated by a statue of the robed Gravetender herself. Altars and rite spaces dot the open space, while doors to private rooms for funerals and other rituals rim the walls. Heading deeper into the mountain, beyond the temple proper, is a sprawling expanse of catacombs within which almost all of Yathra Silthame's dead have been interred. As the Silver City continues to grow, so too do the catacombs, and the clergy of Laianath are beginning to struggle with maintaining their endless, sprawling halls and hallways.  
Temple of Xaen
Occupying the southern side of the plaza between the largest three temples, the Temple of Xaen is a fusion of a massive capitol building and a holy site, with each function occupying a side of the temple. Much like Xaen themself, the temple is split directly down the middle between religious and legal activities, with each half literally being a differently constructed building that meets at a line of solid gold in the middle. The open-air entrance to the temple is perfectly centered. In this, anyone who enters the temple, whether for religious or legal intentions, keeps in mind that Xaen occupies both spaces. Facing the entrance from outside, the left half of the building is constructed like a capitol building and is where the many legal activities -- major and minor -- of Yathra Silthame occur. It is on this half that the Temple-Tribunal meets. The right half of the building is a cathedral-esque temple dedicated to Xaen, and is where the religious goings-on of the clergy of the Codifier occurs. Directly in the center of the Temple, split between the legal and religious halves, is a massive tree constructed of silver with golden leaves.  
Temple of Yamma
The tallest point in all of Yathra Silthame, the beautiful, marble dome and the similar pillars which hold it aloft of the Temple of the Silver Dawn can be seen from nearly any point in the city. Standing several hundred feet tall, and constructed nearly entirely of white marble and fine granite, the exterior of the Temple is made to radiate strength and peace. Its walls are rimmed entirely by evenly spaced, massive pillars which aids in holding up the massive dome atop the Temple that hangs over the actual walls by several dozens of feet. On evenly spaced points around the walls are three sets of heavy, gold and white steel doors, which are more than often left open for all who wish to come and pray to Yamma, but can be closed for defense's sake. Inside of the Temple, the walls are rimmed by nine altars to the Silver Dawn, three between each open doorway, each one an intricate shrine of marble and gold with a bronze brazier set atop it for offerings and rites. And, in the center of the temple, atop a pedestal of marble, is a golden statue of the Silver Dawn, standing nearly one hundred feet tall, with his head bowed and his hands clasped at his waist in meditation.
Religions: Any, mostly Prime Deities   Majority: Yamma, Laianath, Xaen, Kaedo   Minority: Alindr, An'liceth, Lythaelos, Isael, Syluru, Valereth, Narvox, Marzak


  • Demtodhir
    This is the map of Demtodhir, the dwarven city in the Iotruyla River Basin!
Imports: Precious metals, exotic foods and drinks   Exports: Grain, cloth, livestock, lumber, stone, religious paraphernalia
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