The Seat of the Temple-Tribunal
Constructed shortly after Rallo Sterngrace's assassination, the Seat of the Temple-Tribunal has come to be an impressive and secure structure. It serves as the seat of power in Yathra Silthame and the primary meeting place of the Temple-Tribunal.
The Seat has grown exponentially since its first construction, unintentionally serving as a reflection of Yathra Silthame's growth as well. Though the Silver Sanctum is unchanged, it has had wings added to it. All areas of the Seat aside from the Silver Sanctum are additions onto the original structure.
The Seat of the Temple-Tribunal is a gilded, large structure constructed of various stones. The heart of the building, the forum/meeting area known as the Silver Sanctum, is a tall, domed structure of marble and threaded silver. Its ground floor is open, save for the three tall chairs that the Temple-Tribunal occupies. The open space before them is where people can air their grievances and make requests. The Sanctum has second- and third-story mezzanines which allow people to watch the proceedings of the Tribunal.
Stretching out from the Sanctum are three main wings: the Twilight Wing, where the Silverguard's leadership meets with the Temple-Tribunal and the Seat's guards stay. This wing is constructed with faintly iridescent stone and metal. Then, there is the Diplomatic Wing, where the Temple-Tribunal and their aides meet with ambassadors. This wing is built similarly to the Silver Sanctum, with marble and lots of pillars. The final wing is the Silver Wing, which is where the Temple-Tribunal maintain their offices outside of their respective temples. This wing constantly bustles with domestic affairs and the like, and is constructed from sweeping stone and wood architecture.
The Seat is built to be incredibly defensible. Beyond its design, it also has plenty of magical enchantments and the like planted around the structure, and is guarded by some one hundred Silverguard, who are known as the Sanctum Guard.
Founding Date
205 AT
Alternative Names
The Seat, The Silver Throne
Parent Location
Owning Organization
I don't know why you would need to write and think about its defenses, but a pretty cool place.