Empress Kurimoto Urakami Character in Emaxus | World Anvil
Emaxus is currently undergoing a large entry into a new Age (and a large revision of the current Age). Consider this an active construction zone: things are moving around, getting changed, and the world's being reorganized. Apologies for the inconvenience!
- Brian

Empress Kurimoto Urakami

"I walk in Yamma and Xaen's light. Why would I not know what is right for my people? For the people of Drumis, even?"

Divine Empress of the Ni-Taesuxuzou Empire, Kurimoto is an ambitious and determined woman at the heart of one of Emaxus's premier powers. Born into the royal Urakami Clan of Ni-Taesuxuzou, Kurimoto was bred to replace her father, Hiraga. Her cunning and mental fortitude were recognized and honed from the moment she could speak, read, and write, and her leadership skills were pushed until she has now even surpassed her renowned father as a leader and politician.   After her inauguration three years ago, Kurimoto has been eager to make a name for herself as an Empress to be remembered. It seems that the keystone of her plans are her Drumian neighbors to the north, but to what end, no one knows but her and her closest compatriots.

Religious, Military, and Political Voice of Ni-Taesuxuzou

As the Empress, Kurimoto is the de facto head of the Ni-Taesuxuzou Empire on all fronts. She is its premier military commander, the head of its courts and its chief ambassador, and the religious leader of the Taesuxuzouan religion of the Sunlit Tree. Each Emperor in her line has used these three powers in different ways, and it is already clear Kurimoto cares much more about her religious and political power, while acknowledging her military weight merely as a means to an end.

A True Believer

Unlike some of the more cynical members of her royal lineage, Kurimoto believes her legends. She carries herself and acts with all the steely conviction of a woman who truly believes she is the voice of Yamma and Xaen. She thinks the stratification of her empire is necessary and proper, and the believes fully in the superiority of the Taesuxuzouans over other Emaxians. In her eyes, it is her duty to bring the light of Ni-Taesuxuzou to the downtrodden, especially those who never fully recovered from the scars of the War of the Greatwyrms, or even The Reckoning before it.

The Hunt for an Heir

Despite the youth of her body and her reign, Kurimoto must already consider the problem of her succession. It is custom for the ruler of the empire to proclaim their successor immediately; Kurimoto, despite the many eligible siblings and cousins she possesses, has not done so yet. While the Taesuxuzouan people may be whipped up by Kurimoto's political ambitions and religious fervor, her courts are less eager to comply with any ambitious plans she may have until a successor is set in stone.   This vacuum has caused many of the smaller members of the royal clan to pursue glory and affection in her name, and many suitors to come forward as eligible consorts to produce an heir. Until Kurimoto acknowledges any of these competitors, however, they seem to be for naught.


Princess Yukiyama Urakami


Towards Empress Kurimoto Urakami


Empress Kurimoto Urakami


Towards Princess Yukiyama Urakami


Portrait of Kurimoto Urakami
Current Location
Xaen and Yamma
Aligned Organization


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Dec 23, 2023 06:49

okay sista galll