
(a.k.a. The Cloven Prince, Lord of the Molten Brand)

There are Hell Bovines, Greater Hell Bovines, and then there is Methurgh. If ever there was a corrupt, abyssal-cursed fiend with a pure talent for violence and misery... it would be him.
Some of the oldest stories talk about Methurgh. They make murder moss Trolls seem as fluffy and approachable as a Rendercoon
— Stefanos Vel-Barboza, Seskyalii skald alchemist
Methurgh is a prince of the Hell Bovine fields of the abyssal pits of Outland. He isn't one of the greater princes, a fact that rankles him to no end. A romp into the mortal realms, infused with a bull as is proper, serves to sate his thirst for destruction. It also helps him with his other favorite hobby: conquest.

A Past Shrouded in Fur-covered Mystery

Little is known about Methurgh's actual origin other than his plane of origin. Those rare few that have gotten the Cloven Prince to talk... and survived the experience... whispered frightened tales of an evil pact with an ancient lich.
This name appears in ancient records alongside a vampiric book that might be the origin of why many Kobold tribes fear the written word, considering it 'evil'. Was Methurgh to blame? I'm not about to go ask...
— Stefanos Vel-Barboza, Seskyalii skald alchemist

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Methurgh brings Fun and Games to every social encounter!
  • Fun

    In his left forehoof:
    Fiendish warhammer glowing with the cursed Dark Speech of Zuyan. These letters are constantly shifting, and burning like molten metal. Fun trails a shadowy haze behind every stroke, and moans a menacing dirge in battle.
    Unholy Ominous Warhammer +15+1 , normal damage d10+4 (1d10+4/x3), damage vs "good" 2d6+d10+4 (2d6+1d10+4/x3)
    Fun adds its enhancement bonus on intimidate checks made by its wielder. In addition, when Fun confirms a critical hit, the target is shaken for 3 minutes. (DC 13 Will negates) A creature that gains the shaken condition from an ominous weapon cannot gain that condition again from the same weapon for 24 hours.
  • Games

    In his right forehoof:
    Incredibly sharp battleaxe that also is alive with glowing vile runes of Zuyan. These letters are constantly shifting, and burning like molten metal. Games trails a shadowy haze behind every stroke, and moans a menacing dirge in battle.
    Unholy Ominous Battleaxe+2 +15+1+2 , normal damage d8+4+2 (1d8+4+2/x3), damage vs "good" 2d6+d8+4+2 (2d6+1d8+4+2/x3)
    Games adds its enhancement bonus on intimidate checks made by its wielder. In addition, when Games confirms a critical hit, the target is shaken for 3 minutes. (DC 13 Will negates) A creature that gains the shaken condition from an ominous weapon cannot gain that condition again from the same weapon for 24 hours.
Divine Classification
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark chestnut fur
8 foot tall
2100 lbs (953 kg)
Known Languages
Quotes & Catchphrases
I saved up some


just for you!

Cover image: by CB Ash


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Jan 27, 2021 04:47 by Morgan Biscup

Yup. You were right, he was definitely worth reading about.   "Fun" and "Games" - for him maybe. What great names.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Jan 27, 2021 13:36 by C. B. Ash

I tend to think of him as a "destructive delight" :D