Kobold Species in Legends of Elohey | World Anvil


Spirits of the Marsh

Kobolds are a race of childlike, reptilian creatures with a festering resentment for the rest of the world, especially members of races that seem stronger, smarter, or superior to them in any way. They proudly claim kinship to dragons, but beneath all the bluster, the comparison to their glorious cousins leaves kobolds with a profound sense of inadequacy. Though they are hardworking, clever, and blessed with a natural talent for mechanical devices and mining, they spend their days nursing grudges and hatreds instead of celebrating their own gifts. Kobold tactics specialize in traps and ambushes, but kobolds enjoy anything that allows them to harm others without putting themselves at risk.   Kobolds can eat nearly anything, but prefer a diet of meat and consider the flesh of dwarves, goblins and halflings a rare and difficult-to-obtain delicacy. While they fear the bigger races, kobolds’ bottomless appetites mean they frequently go to war or execute raids against other races to sate their pernicious urges and fill their vast larders.  

Physical Appearance

  Kobolds are small, bipedal reptilian humanoids. Most stand around 3 feet tall and weigh about 35 pounds. They have powerful jaws for creatures of their size and noticeable claws on their hands and feet. Often kobolds' faces are surprisingly expressive for a reptile species. However, most emotion often includes expressions that involve the use – or motion – of their tails.   Kobolds' thick hides vary in color, and most have scales that match the hue of one of the varieties of chromatic dragons, with red scales being predominant. A few kobolds, however, have more exotic colors such as orange or yellow, which in some tribes raises or lowers an individual's status in the eyes of his fellows.    

Ten Fun Facts about Kobolds!

1. Horse Hate
  Kobolds - not unlike Goblins or Halflings - though Goblins and Halflings find the comparison insulting - are quite good at riding animals, however they don’t ‘get’ horses. In fact, their hatred of all things horse is matched only by their fear of horses, who tend to step on kobolds who get to close. This includes any ‘horse-like’ creature, such as unicorns.  
2. Dog Hate
  Kobolds harbor a strange resentment towards dogs, seeing them as a perverse abomination of their beloved Bandicoots.  
3. Kobolds and junk
  Garbage pits, gutters, sewers - basically anywhere there is garbage, there are kobolds. Kobolds are unusually adept at crafting weapons and armor from refuse. They are double fond of using these improvised weapons to kill people with what was essentially their own garbage.  
4. Kobolds love to sing
  Also not unlike Goblins or Halflings, Kobolds love … really love … to sing. Unfortunately, as catchy their lyrics can be, kobolds songs tend to be a bit too creepy and disturbing to catch on in most polite company.  
5 :: They’re sneaky
  An excited or angry kobold is a rather noisy, if not chatty, menace. However, if the need arises, they can drop instantly to a stone silence. Coupled with their small size, this makes them unnervingly adept at hiding in unlikely places: rain barrels, under chicken coops, in stacks of firewood, in ovens …  
6 :: They’re a little crazy
  The fact that kobolds think of things like ovens as good hiding places speaks much about their inability to think plans through to the most likely outcome. Also, they can become easily distracted especially in the case of food.  
7 :: They’re voracious
  Given enough supplies, a kobold generally eats a dozen meals a day. Therefore most tribes never have enough food, which is why they raid so often.  
8 :: They LOVE fire
  While they are careful about fire in their own lairs, burning anything is a great kobold pastime. Sometimes this may include each other.  
9 :: They get stuck easily
  Even though they are a diminutive - and dexterous - lizard man, their dragon-like head is a bit wider and longer than their wiry bodies. Their lairs are often cramped … sometimes too cramped.  
10 :: Kobolds believe writing steals your soul
  Their lairs are covered with pictures and artwork of past raids and daring deeds. However no writing. Kobolds firmly believe that writing steals words right from your head, much like a vampire drinking blood. Once gone, you never get those words back.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Conservation Status
Kobolds are a dying species. They are less than 10 generations from extinction, if current trends continue.

Cover image: by CB Ash