
Spirits of the Forest

Goblins, also called 'Forest Goblins', are a friendly and jovial people. They don't have a particular geographical area they call 'home' outside of a preference for forested or swampy areas.   That and their particular interest in trade and commerce leads them to settle in areas with other species such as humans, elves and so on.

Basic Information


Goblins are humanoid and look much like halflings in size and shape, with the main difference being goblins have gray-green to an olive tan-green skin tone.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Goblin hair is always rather dark. Colors range from a very dark black, to a chestnut brown. As they age, their hair turns a sandy-blond.   Goblin eyes are of the same basic shape as a human, halfing or dwarf, however the color only ranges between black and hazel.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Goblins tend to prefer forests, swamps or forested areas. They will form settlements on their own but don't shy away from settling in with settlements from other races like humans or elves.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Goblins, having developed in dark forests, have excellent darkvision. Like dwarves, goblins can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Trouble is that they don't see colors in the pitch dark, only shades of black and white.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Originally goblins did not have a ‘family name’ but instead used patronymics, such as Lugas burr (son of) Migon or Mapa belle (daughter of) Truva. As their ability to survive became so heavily intertwined within their ability to trade and manage commerce, the concept of a ‘family name’ grew out of the need to identify types of products a particular tribe might be known for. Now the ‘family names’ reflect some of those ancient products.   In most goblin cultures, a goblin has a given name, a family name, and possibly a nickname. On more formal occasions, among other goblins of higher standing, a goblin will still use the ancient “burr” (son of) or “belle” (daughter of) when introducing themselves.   Generally, the average goblin follows this naming tradition:   [ Personal/First Name ] [ burr/belle ] [ Family name ]   The above is occasionally modified based on the particular goblin culture, such as with the Cuali

Common Etiquette Rules

Goblins tend to address anyone, no matter if they are related or not, as 'cousin'. This is from their outlook that all people are "Leaves upon the Great Tree".

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Down through the generations, most goblins sought to honor their beliefs through their actions and materials in their daily life. Their most holy of texts are always recorded on very wide, sturdy leaves which are bound into books held together by a stout twine. Many goblins are known to own at least one set of beads on a string where each bead contains a prayer specific to the interest of that goblin. However, the ‘bead’ is always a preserved acorn upon which the prayer or hope is inscribed. The cord? A stout rubber vine that can withstand attempts to break it.   Their love of sharing developed to a fascination with trade and commerce. Many races see goblins as greedy. Truthfully, some goblins – like some non-goblins – actually are. However, for many goblins it isn’t greed or the love of profit, but its the love of haggling and exchange. For many goblins, haggling is a even a well-practiced sport. This ‘sport’ is not always appreciated by non-goblins, though some – like halflings – often come to enjoy it themselves.   This interest in trade drives the goblin people to move and migrate, settling in new and different areas. Through plague, famine, and even the recent invasion of the Orc tribes into the human kingdom of Merovia, the goblin drive to negotation has helped their survival.   Today, goblins now gather in small communities, usually near forested lands, among humans, halflings and many other races. They have a strong sense of ‘extended’ family, because of a general idea that everyone is “leaves upon the tree”. Therefore its not uncommon for a one goblin to greet another goblin as ‘cousin’, even if not actually related. At times this likewise will extend to close friends of goblins, much to the surprise of the particular halfling, human, elf, etc who has been called that without warning!

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

It's tradition for goblins to build their homes and other buildings within wide, sturdy trees. This isn't a requirement, as goblins that live in elven mountain homes aren't in tree tops.   Goblins are also musically inclined. Their traditional instrument is the syrinx made from variable lengths of cane pipes tied together with a cord.   Beliefs and Pantheon   Adon – “Forest Warden”, the “Green One”   Binedon   Eline


It has been said that the first goblins were found nestled under the thick canopy of the Leafbourne forest next to the river Bluevine. They were found when Grandfather Gren, the “Green Man” who is the eldest among the goblin forest spirits, was taking one of his long walks. He had finished his labors to return the warm breath of spring and needed to rest. However, he was surprised to find these small green creatures along the river. They had just woke, but were not afraid by what they saw. They were cautious, but respectful. They were frugal in their manner and actions, but not destructive. What pleased the greater spirit the most was that their quick smile, a quick curiosity and a need to share. The greater spirit quickly introduced his children – the treants and dryads – to these busy little people he found.   Grandfather Gren adopted them, and named these newfound little folk, ‘Goblins’.   While there is likely some truth to this, the more uncommon knowledge is that goblins are kin to halflings and are descended from the same people. Where the halfling peoples took to the sea, goblins took to the deep forests.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Goblins have the best relations with humans and halflings, as they tend to share similar viewpoints. The worst relations are with the orc tribes as goblins aren't too sure how to handle and navigate the orcish culture yet.
Traits   +4 Dexterity, –2 Strength, –2 Charisma: Goblins are fast and nimble. However, their reputation for being greedy tends to put them at odds with the other races. However, given the almost obsessive need to save currency and the urge to haggle with most anyone – even other goblins – over the cost of an item, this is not always an entirely undeserved reputation.   Goblinoid: Goblins are humanoids with the goblinoid subtype.   Small: Goblins are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.   Fast: Goblins are fast for their size, and have a base speed of 30 feet.   Darkvision: Goblins can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Like with a dwarf, this allows the goblin to see in black and white.   Skilled: +4 racial bonus on Ride and Stealth checks.   Languages: Common, Goblinese   Bonus Languages: Grundel (Dwarven), Orcish, Fal’ain (Elven), Minosh (Easterling Common).
Average Height
3 to 3 1/2 feet tall
Average Weight
35 to 40 pounds
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
In general, goblin skin tone varies between a gray-green and an olive tan-green. Their ears are slightly pointed in the same way that a halfling’s ears are slightly pointed. Goblins tend to have a slightly wider nose and face than does a halfling or a human.
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by CB Ash


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