Detect Poison Spell in Legends of Elohey | World Anvil

Detect Poison


The term ‘poisonous’ is really so open to interpretation in many lands… unfortunately…
— Stefanos Vel-Barboza, Seskyalii skald alchemist
No matter if it’s in a tavern, a ruin, or at a fine dinner held by the local nobility, it never hurts to know in advance if something may be lethal. Especially if it comes to the air or what’s for dinner.
Therefore many spellcasters from clerics or wizards to sorcerers and skalds try to have some skill in the detect poison spell. This spell allows a caster to know if something is poisoned. That doesn’t always have to be food, it could be the air in a room, a handle, or even a person.
In some places, it’s almost a hobby to see how many unusual places you can put a poison. I don’t visit those places too often…
— Stefanos Vel-Barboza, Seskyalii skald alchemist
In its typical use, this spell only determines if something is poisoned but not what type of poison is there. However, depending on who is doing the casting, that information may not be out of reach.
Asking ‘what kind’ can really depend on who you’re asking. Once I asked a Samakarii elf if a drink was poisoned… the only reason she said ‘yes’ was because it was Copan Shire whiskey…
— Stefanos Vel-Barboza, Seskyalii skald alchemist
Arcane practitioners such as Waterborn or Stormborn sorcerers or skalds can try to identify the poison. For a sorcerer this is through the use of their arcane bloodline to “ask” the poison what type it is. With skalds, they rely on the wide assortment of knowledge they have learned, examining the alchemical aspects of the poison.
Then there is my sister who hands me a mysterious cup of… something oozing a green fog… and says ‘try this’…
— Stefanos Vel-Barboza, Seskyalii skald alchemist

Game Mechanics

This allows a character to identify if a person, object, or area has been poisoned or is poisonous in some way to the caster.
For the sake of game mechanics, “poison” is defined as a poisonous substance such as a venom, plant toxin, alchemical poison, arcane poison, poisonous curse from a ritual, suspicious cooking, or ... as Stefanos mentioned above ... drinks of questionable origin.
Casters may make a DC 20 Wisdom check to identify the poison with modifiers for a given poison if applicable. If that fails, and the character has Craft (alchemy), they may attempt to use that skill check against the same DC to identify the poison.
The magic of the spell has a close range but can penetrate most barriers. However, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of metal, or 3 feet of dirt or wood can muddle the results, leading to the spell giving a misleading answer to the caster.
However, the above only identifies if an area, person, or object is poisonous. It does not identify what type. Certain spellcasters are able to determine the type of poison either while casting this spell or through other means after casting this spell. There are also certain spells that can identify the type as well.
Waterborn or Stormborn sorcerer casters may add their Charisma bonus to the check to identify the type of poison.
Skalds may add their Charisma modifier to their Craft (alchemy) check to recognize the type of poison.
If the poison is a venom ( which means its from something that could have bitten the caster ), then the best anyone can tell will be "It's a venom!" To get more detail, a character will have to roll a Heal, Survival, or Knowledge (Nature) skill check vs the same DC as above.


A pale greenish mist condenses in the air, surrounding the area or the target before returning to the caster's hand.
Gestures & Ritual
Gestures and phrases vary wildly between professions but the only requirements are an arcane phrase and drawing a rune in the air. Incants in Kayam, such as with Druids, are possibly the most common which would be a short command. Which is ...

Venpelio Netherun

Related Discipline
There are varieties of this spell across the professions of Cleric, Wizard, Druid, Paladin, Sorcerer, Skald, Bard, and Ranger.
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 standard action
25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels
0th level for Cleric, Wizard, Druid, Paladin, Sorcerer, Skald, Bard, and Ranger.


A Matter of Poisons

There is a debate between druids, clerics, and the more wizardly types over just what is a poison?
It's a good question.
Which means those three professions are likely to keep debating. However, for the sake of this enchantment, history suggests an answer.
Artifacts recovered from such places as the Agmir Torash ruins near Copin Shire, or the necropolis of Kur Oggad in the Empire of Jade talk of a dwarven druid who had a habit of meddling in wizardry and alchemy. It's from that studious man that the current spell arose.
He felt it was not very efficient to keep three spells about when trying to find out if your apprentice accidentally may have poisoned you. Therefore, this one, Detect Poison, covers poisons, toxins and venoms. In this way, the spell warns the caster against what may be poisonous to them, be it a toxin, venom, or created poison.
Or with that long ago dwarven researcher... had been poisonous because of a cooking accident by an apprentice.

Author's Note: This is a homebrew Detect Poison spell that is heavily inspired by Pathfinder 1e spell of the same name. It was altered to provide a 'thematic' version that would fit the story of the Elohey world.

Cover image: by CB Ash


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Mar 6, 2021 06:05 by R. Dylon Elder

Have i ever mentioned how much i enjoy the look and feel of this wor;d? its awesome! Another excellent article too,     "… the only reason she said ‘yes’ was because it was Copan Shire whiskey…"   That there is my favorite bit. perception of poison, or at least things we don't usually consider poison but very much are, can have an impact. Very nice touch there.

Mar 6, 2021 12:51 by C. B. Ash

Thanks Dylon! I have to be honest, the look and feel is something I constantly polish a little bit here and there as time goes on, like I do with my other worlds.   Also, thank you about the perception of poison! I've always been fascinated by the statement "truth is based on a certain point of view". I feel like that's one of Elohey's major themes... among a few others ... from a certain point of view! :D

Mar 11, 2021 04:44 by Chip Malinowski

As a mid-level Druid with a bit of alchemy skill, I prefer to use my perceptions to figure out for myself where the hazards are, assuming time permits. After all, I give praise to Nature every day with all my heart, so I hate to ask favors in return unless I truly am in need of Nature's greater wisdom. So, first, if it is a frog, a blowfish, a snake, a plant, or a mushroom, I try to use my Survival skill or Knowledge of Nature to identify it. You know, "red-touch-yellow kills a fellow," that sort of thing.   Your Healing skill might help too. If a bite wound swells and turns red like the body is trying to expel it, then you are probably looking at a venomous bite.   However, if you are up against a bowl of stew, the origin of the ingredients might be unidentifiable. Just because the Goblin locals can eat it does not mean that a Human can. That's when you let your nose lead you. The almond-like smell of cyanide, the harshness of alchemists' fire, and the stomach-turning stench of asphyxiating swamp gas are never to be forgotten once you have encountered them, assuming you survived first contact.   But what of a sealed bottle of wine? Then it is time to call in a favor from a wiser power than myself. Once when I was in just such a situation, I asked Sister Water in her native language of Kayam to tell me please whether she contained anything poisonous to me. And I listened and I looked inside the rather expensive bottle. I saw my face contorted and twisted in the reflection as if in terrible pain, and I heard Sister Water say, "Without friends, the Green Fairy shall roll you."   Roll me?!? As in hit me over the head in a dark alleyway and steal my money? Poison for certain! Yet applying a little wisdom in the ways of heavy drinking, I discerned that she meant that this was a bottle of the strongest absinthe, and I would certainly die if I drank the entire thing. Had I shared that bottle it with a dozen Human men, we would all have been thoroughly intoxicated, but not poisoned. In fact that is the case with almost all poisons, the dosage is what kills you.   It turned out that that absinthe was magical Dwarven 301-proof Ale, which is of course 150 and one half percent alcohol.