
The "City of Lights", a sprawling city of wizards, sorcerers, and assorted other magic-users. The schools housed within the city's walls are among the highest quality in the land.

Ruling Class

Archmage Azita Drelzith, a female dragonborn wizard, serves as the ruler of the city.

The Sparkling Boneyard

An inn and tavern frequented by drunk mages and workmen alike. The place has gained something of a sour reputation with how freely its ale flows, leading to many becoming cripplingly drunk more often than they should.
Barkeep Balhadur, a male dragonborn is the one who attempts to keep the drunkards in check.
Boiled Eggs and Curd Cheese, Tankard of Cider (11 cp) Acorn Bread and Curd Cheese, Mug of Cider (2 cp) Stewed Sausage and Mushrooms, Tankard of Ale (9 cp) Boiled Carrot, Mug of Cider (4 cp)
Pickled Oxen and Shallots, Tankard of Perry (9 cp) Boiled Pork and Acorn Bread, Tankard of Bitter (13 cp) Stewed Lentils, Mug of Ale (5 cp) Roasted Pork and Whey Cheese, Tankard of Stout (8 cp) Roasted Pork and Shallots, Tankard of Mead (10 cp) Chestnut Bread and Bitter Cheese, Mug of Cider (5 cp)
Roasted Turnip, Mug of Mead (3 cp) Boiled Pork and Carrot, Tankard of Stout (10 cp) Millet Porridge, Mug of Cider (4 cp) Boiled Eggs and Dried Mushrooms, Tankard of Bitter (12 cp)
Steamed Chicken with Sugar and Bitter Cheese, Glass of Cider (2 sp) Roasted Phoenix and Soft Cheese, Glass of Gin (4 sp) Boiled Eggs and Beetroot, Tankard of Beer (13 cp) Boiled Pork and Chestnut Bread, Tankard of Bitter (13 cp) Braised Phoenix and Artichoke, Glass of Cider (1 sp)


48% dragonborn, 40% elf 2% other


Magocracy: A term used to describe a settlement which is ruled by magic users.



Notable places
Herli's Armaments: A modest weaponsmith's workshop, built around a shrine of Obyr, God of Magic.
Voyager's Hub: A stone-wrought building that houses a central stone ring, surrounded by six smaller circles, used by scholars to quickly travel long distances. Other travelers may be able to convince the portal-meisters to provide them a temporary key that can be used for one-way trips to the other destinations.
Notable characters
Gwari: Female Dragonborn Craftsman, Good. Gwari is exceptionally beautiful, with clean bronze scales and bright blue eyes. She wears well-made clothing and a wide-brimmed hat. Gwari has an animal companion, a silver cat named Roda. Ofic: Male Elf Alchemist, Neutral. Ofic has black hair and sharp blue eyes, and a round nose. He wears modest garments and a sling of vials and potions. Ofic has an animal companion, a green firedrake named Winfre.
Thundu: Male Elf Fighter, Evil. Thundu is overweight, with cropped brown hair and large blue eyes. He banded mail and wields a battle axe and short bow. Thundu has a severe allergy to rabbits.
Saxleue: Female Dragonborn Professional, Good. Saxleue is tall, with red hair and large green eyes. She wears expensive clothing and a silver holy symbol. Saxleue has an animal companion, a tawny rat named Arior.
Elans: Male Dragonborn Alchemist, Good. Elans has black scales and blue eyes, and walks with a limp. He wears modest garments and carries a fine stiletto. Elans has an animal companion, a red firedrake named Giri.
Alim: Male Dragonborn Wineseller, Evil. Alim has silver scales and soft amber eyes, and a round nose. He wears modest garments and carries an elder staff. Alim claims that his wines provide all the sustenance anyone needs.
Bothe Hrikidotr: Female Dwarf Thief, Neutral. Bothe has a long face, with straight brown hair and hazel eyes. She leather armor and wields a short sword and dagger.


Notable places
The Keystone of Rholkan: Purportedly hewn from bone and calcified flesh harvested from a realm beyond, this bleached white stone is said to imbue visions of necromantic genius upon those who lay hands upon it.
The Cloister of Death: An open courtyard surrounded by spires of quartz. A company of ghostly dwarven axemen gathers within the cloister upon the night of the solstice.
Notable characters
Uril: Male Dragonborn Wizard, Good. Uril has a round face, with bronze scales and narrow blue eyes. He fine clothing and wields a quarterstaff and dagger. Uril is searching for his missing familiar, a ginger cat named Arkur.
Kurdu: Male Dragonborn Fighter, Neutral. Kurdu has a square face, with brown hair and bright grey eyes. He chain mail and wields a halberd. Kurdu is inventive and adventurous.
Dwari: Male Elf Aristocrat, Evil. Dwari is rugged in appearance, with curly blonde hair and light green eyes. He wears fine raiment and a leopard fur cape. Dwari is hunting the cultists who murdered his family.
Thimil: Female Dragonborn Merchant, Evil. Thimil is slender, with tangled silver hair and narrow blue eyes. She wears simple clothing and carries a hawthorn staff. Thimil has an animal companion, a hawk named Sniri.

Drelziri Causeway

Notable places
The Sparkling Boneyard: An inn and tavern frequented by drunk mages and workmen alike. The place has gained something of a sour reputation with how freely its ale flows, leading to many becoming cripplingly drunk more often than they should.
Munthir University: The largest arcane academy in the region, named after the great wizard of old, Omunth the Gray; teaching everything from druidism to necromancy, they even have curricula catered toward spontaneous casters. An entire wing is dedicated to musical application of spellcraft.
Notable characters
Gamin: Male Dragonborn Entertainer, Good. Gamin is short, with thick grey hair and brown eyes. He wears modest garments and numerous rings. Gamin seeks to continue the noble legacy of his father.
Fride: Female Elf Scholar, Good. Fride has a long face, with grey hair and grey eyes. She wears expensive clothing and a copper amulet. Fride serves N'zhali, an ancient but forgotten goddess of knowledge.
Cece: Female Elf Cleric, Good. Cece is exceptionally beautiful, with red hair and hazel eyes. She banded mail and wields a flail. Cece has an animal companion, a copper firedrake named Maly.
Rinain: Female Dragonborn Fighter, Evil. Rinain has brown hair and soft hazel eyes. She chain mail and wields a battle axe and short bow. Rinain is irreverent and shrewd. Fanjaufr: Male Human Fighter, Evil. Fanjaufr has a long face, with braided black hair and brown eyes. He plate mail and wields a fauchard-fork. Fanjaufr seeks to become a werewolf.


Notable places
The Guildhall: A large building of half-timbered walls, decorated with wrought-iron lamps. It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms, and is shared amongst several local trade guilds.
Notable characters
Eldanel: Female Elf Ranger, Evil. Eldanel is rugged in appearance, with thick white hair and green eyes. She chain mail and wields a flail and long bow. Eldanel has a silver dog named Galebre.
Alin: Female Elf Ranger, Neutral. Alin has a round face, with auburn hair and bright green eyes. She leather armor and wields a flail and heavy crossbow. Alin is trustworthy but immoral.
Ecin Sharper: Female Elf Craftsman, Good. Ecin is exceptionally beautiful, with red hair and brown eyes. She wears travel-stained clothing and carries an oak staff. Ecin is hunting the warlord who stole her ancestral sword.
Inudg: Female Dragonborn Paladin, Good. Inudg has short golden hair and large hazel eyes, and walks with a limp. She wears chain mail and wields a bastard sword and shield. Inudg is energetic but thoughtless.

The Horns

Notable places
Piersym's Masonry: The workshop of a male human stonemason named Piersym, who is rumored to lead a cult of a demonic god.
Notable characters
Almar: Male Dwarf Assassin, Good. Almar is rugged in appearance, with tangled blonde hair and soft blue eyes. He leather armor and wields a short sword and darts. Almar is haunted by the memories of a past life.
Haga: Female Dragonborn Assassin, Neutral. Haga is heavyset, with white hair and soft blue eyes. She leather armor and wields a poisoned club and darts. Haga is conceited and devout.
Gera: Female Dragonborn Soldier, Evil. Gera has long copper hair and sharp blue eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a mace. Gera has an animal companion, a copper firedrake named Rulfi.
Hvanhe: Female Elf Entertainer, Evil. Hvanhe has a narrow face, with long white hair and light grey eyes. She wears expensive clothing and an ermine fur cape. Hvanhe has an animal companion, a copper firedrake named Thainan.


Notable places
Merey's Pottery: The workshop of a female human potter named Merey, who knows the secret of an alchemical clay which is as durable as iron.
Notable characters
Kathil Entheyth: Female Dragonborn Professional, Evil. Kathil has auburn hair and bright grey eyes, and prominent ears. She wears modest garments and an amulet of luminous crystal. Kathil seeks to discover why she keeps having the same nightmare.
Joycie: Female Elf Craftsman, Evil. Joycie has black hair and brown eyes, and pointed ears. She wears simple clothing and several pouches hang from her belt. Joycie is a pack-rat, and carries a satchel of random junk.
Cirdire: Male Elf Soldier, Good. Cirdire is elegant in appearance, with auburn hair and large amber eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a flail and dagger. Cirdire is dying and desperately seeks the secret of immortality.
Ziri: Male Dragonborn Assassin, Neutral. Ziri is common in appearance, with coarse white scales and narrow hazel eyes. He leather armor and wields a long sword and dagger. Ziri has an animal companion, a black scorpion named Duli.


  • Telhoken
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Lights
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Characters in Location
Magocracy literally means "Rule of the Magi". "Mago-" is derived from the old Persian word, "magus" meaning "priest" or "mage", while the suffix "-cracy" comes from the Greek "kratein", "to rule". The word is therefore a blend of Greek and Persian, as is the word "archmage".
Since a magocracy only means that the government is made up of magic-users, it can incorporate elements from other political styles. While this is heresy and grammatically illegal, marrying words from two sources, it does seem to be the most accepted term.