Olasha Amayura

A survivor of one of the many raids on Direfeld. Ever since, she's gained dreams of building a guild, which quickly drew the attention of another aspiring thief, in April DarkDawn. She also picked up the orphan aspireling, Kelsi, and acts as a sort of mentor to the thief-to-be.
An older, dour thief from an oft-raided outer settlement. Surviving these raids honed her skills, but kept her from anything upstanding, until one day, she escaped the fray and started a journey of her own, her mind quickly plotting ahead. A thieves' guild. That'll be neat to be in charge of. Maybe she can do some good, maybe she'll be able to get back at the gnolls raiding her former home after a while. Maybe. First, though, she just needs to survive and make a name for herself.
Olasha Amayura CR 1/2 (XP 200)
27 years, 5' 0", 125 lb
Dull teal eyes, brown hair
CG medium humanoid(felid) Rogue(unchained) 1
Init +6;Senses: low-light vision; Perception +3;
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 armor, +0 size)
HP 7(1d6+1 Con) ; Hit Die:d6; Fort +1, Ref +6, Will -1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: 2 claws +4(1d6+2 P&S), short sword +4(1d6+2 P), dagger +4(1d4+2 P/S), or short sword +0(1d6+2) and dagger -4(1d4+2 P/S)
Ranged: shortbow(1d6+2 P, x3, 60 ft range)
Space 5 ft; Reach 5 ft
Special Attacks: sneak attack +1d6
Str 14(+2) Dex 18(+4) Con 13(+1) Int 12(+1) Wis 08(-1) Cha 14(+2)
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats: catfolk exemplar, weapon finesse
Skills: Acrobatics +8, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +8, Escape Artist +8, Perception +3, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +6;
Languages: Common, Rasilan Catfolk, Elven
SQ: weapon finesse, cat's claws, cat's luck(1/day), sprinter
Traits: reckless, reactionary
Gear: traveler's outfit, shortsword, dagger, backpack[pack], bedroll, belt pouch[pouch], grappling hook, mess kit, waterskin, shortbow, arrows(20), leather armor, chalk(10), flint and steel, iron pot, rope(50 ft), steel mirror, torch, trail rations(2), caltrops, pitons(5), thieves' tools, coin purse(25g 7s 3c


Treasure: gear
A survivor of one of the many raids on Direfeld. Ever since, she's gained dreams of building a guild, which quickly drew the attention of another aspiring thief, in April DarkDawn. She also picked up the orphan aspireling, Kelsi, and acts as a sort of mentor to the thief-to-be.
An older, dour thief from an oft-raided outer settlement. Surviving these raids honed her skills, but kept her from anything upstanding, until one day, she escaped the fray and started a journey of her own, her mind quickly plotting ahead. A thieves' guild. That'll be neat to be in charge of. Maybe she can do some good, maybe she'll be able to get back at the gnolls raiding her former home after a while. Maybe. First, though, she just needs to survive and make a name for herself.
Personality: Cautious, apparently aloof, quiet. Harbors a secretive, sheltered friendliness, though she treats new faces with suspicion.
Character Traits: She is reckless, willing to put herself in danger to achieve her goals. She is also highly reactive, prone to lying in wait rather than proactively going after something.
Character Flaws: Overly suspicious, slow to warm.
Contacts / Friends
Enemies: Ibret, a gnoll raider who she's run into more than once. He's got her scent, and a thirst for her blood, though she's put a lot of distance from areas he frequents... for now.
  Skill calculation
Acrobatics +1 rank(s) (+4{DEX}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +8
Appraise +0 rank(s) (+1{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +1
Bluff +1 rank(s) (+2{CHA}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc) = +6
Climb +0 rank(s) (+2{STR}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +2
Craft() +0 rank(s) (+0{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +0
Diplomacy +1 rank(s) (+2{CHA}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc) = +6
Disable Device +1 rank(s) (+4{DEX}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +8
Disguise +0 rank(suntrained} (+2{CHA}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +2
Escape Artist +1 rank(s) (+4{DEX}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc) = +8
Fly +0 rank(s) (+4{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = +4
Handle Animal +0 rank(suntrained} (+0{CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
Heal +0 rank(s) (-1{WIS}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Intimidate +0 rank(s) (+2{CHA}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +2
Knowledge(Arcana) +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +1
Knowledge(Engineering) +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Knowledge(Geography) +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Knowledge(History) +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Knowledge(Local) +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +1
Knowledge(Nature) +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Knowledge(Nobility) +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Knowledge(Planes) +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Knowledge(Religion) +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Linguistics +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +1
Perception +1 rank(s) (-1{WIS}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc) = +3
Perform() +0 rank(s) (+2{CHA}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +2
Profession() +0 rank(suntrained} (-1{WIS}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = -1
Ride +0 rank(s) (+4{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = +4
Sense Motive +0 rank(s) (-1{WIS}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = -1
Sleight of Hand +0 rank(suntrained} (+4{DEX}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +4
Spellcraft +0 rank(suntrained} (+1{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +1
Stealth +1 rank(s) (+4{DEX}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +8
Survival +0 rank(s) (-1{WIS}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Swim +0 rank(s) (+2{STR}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +2
Use Magic Device +1 rank(strained} (+2{CHA}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc) = +6
Current Status
Mentoring aspirelings.
Date of Birth
76th of Erthnetora, 1584 DF
Year of Birth
1584 DF 27 Years old
5' 0"
125 lbs

Character Portrait image: Olasha Portrait