The Swords Of The Founding Members Building / Landmark in Elendor | World Anvil
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The Swords Of The Founding Members

A Trio of Cross Swords sits embedded in a conical carved stone of obsidian, the swords are crossed at the hand guard forming a triangle. The Swords were placed there after The Tyrant was killed in combat by the Leaders of the Rebellion.

Purpose / Function

The Monument has been standing since the fall of The Tyrant. With the original leaders of the Rebellion having decided on a form of goverment for the future of Atria, they knew when it was time to focus on the future. The now forming country of Atria.    It stands as a memorial, a holy site and a reminder of the sacrifice of the many lives to bring freedom to the Dragonkin of Elendor.


"The design of The Trios monument is decidedly Dragonic. However their are several influences from The Kingdoms of Nardethel  and The Reanian Empire such as a carved inscription along the base of the conical structure. Written in Achient Reanian is 'The Dragonsshall be forever remembered for the paths they helped forge' and in a sub script of Othrian 'The Dragonkin of The Rebellions are brothers of us all in Blood and Sacrifice. Never shall they be without a strong arm or sharp mind'  It is believed that these were written by the leaders of those kingdoms from before the formation of the larger empires they now are a part of"    - "Monuments of Atria" Written by Alidson Of Greenwood, Architectural Researcher.


The Trio of the Founders is a major site for various pilgrims and sight seers of Atria. Many don't visit Tergora without at least visiting The Monument due to the belief that the Founders are watching over Atria in Mount Celest alongside Bahamut
Founding Date
PS 44
Alternative Names
"The Obsidian Monument" "The Founders Memorial"
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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