Eldridth The Domination of the Prime Plane

The Domination of the Prime Plane

Circa 5,300 DCE

The Dark Celests had forced the Divine to abandon the Material realm to serve them. The Elementals, Devils, and Demons take the mass of the Prime plane. Many mortals are forced to submit to the rule of these evil creatures, and this was preferable then to dwell with their gods in the Celestial Planes in many cases. But the Pain and Suffering was spread not just there, but across all realms, as the celestial realms grew darker and darker.

Eventually, Troth began to see this suffering as his own fault for upsetting the balance of the universe. He knew that Petharion, Agethis, Pandora and Aoura were seeking a way to over throw the old ones, and Troth approached them with a plan.
  The Old Ones cared nothing for the lives of Mortals, and traded away the material plane to the Elementals. Eldridth was given to the Flame Primordial Azar, who demanded live mortal sacrifice to feed his flame, to this end he brought Drow, Tieflings and Orcs, and enslaved the many species on the world and even the dragons were bound to Azars will. Gaia and the others were forced to sit idly by and watch in horror as the Primordials destroyed the mortal worlds with there very nature.
  With his own power Troth could embue them with the power to imprison his brethern in void of a previously collapsed universe. The plan will require them to unite the Divine, and rally the races of Celestial beings, and even the mortals who dwell with them, and to do so in secret to prevent the Dark Celests from learning of the plot.

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