Trolls Species in Eldridth | World Anvil


Trolls are large creatures. They can be drastically different in general appearance, but overall there are several commonalities between them. First, they are large creatures, standing at about 12-15 feet tall. They are often muscular as well, making them appear fairly simular to a Ogre. Secondly, they have huge noses which is often the most noticable difference between a Ogre and a Troll. Sometimes Trolls are hairy, sometimes they are bald creatures. Some choose to ware makeshift clothing, some go naked. Trolls are not very intellegent, though smart enough to understand much like a child, though they are often not as innocent. It is not certain how long a troll can live, by all observations, they have a greater life span then an elf. They do not appear to really age past adulthood, as no one has ever seen a Troll that appears to be elderly.
  Trolls are concieved by a commune of four trolls, two males and two females. The exact process is very disturbing, and will leave one of the male trolls dead and devoured by the females. The other male will dig a deep hole while the females eat the other male, and then the females will bury themselves in the deep holes for 4 days. How they survive being buried is unknown, but they will begin to dig their way out after the fourth day, and return to normal life. In two months, three to five adolecent like trolls will emerge from the ground in that spot. The adoclecent trolls will shortly after arriving in the world, enter into a rage, and enter combat with eachother. The first to die, is devoured by the others, who then begin growing to full size. Growing Trolls require allot of meat, and if they become hungry may again turn on eachother, or in some cases their own parents, who often remain with their young to provide them with regular feedings. The final result is often two fully grown trolls after just about a month. The young adult troll, will begin to feel restless, and seek to leave their family to strike it out on their own, often leaving their parents and siblings behind, seeking a distant cave to claim their own.
  Trolls that find caves, will attempt to turn them into dens of comfort for themselves. They like area's with access to water, and plenty of food. Once they have a Den, they may choose to remain alone there for a very long time, but eventually will be driven to find a member of the opposite sex. Finding another troll is not an easy task as they are not the most populous species, and can be a risky task for a male as they may end up the weaker male. The single trolls that find each other will lead eachother to their dens. They will select the den that provides enough space for both. They will attempt to make space for another female. The male will then go out and find another female to bring back. If a female is already in a males den, and there is room for another is is likely to remain there if she does not already have a family. Once the male has two females. He rests, allowing the females to go find a new male. When the female returns with another male, the procration process begins, and often the stronger Troll male will be the survival, and no matter if it was the new or previous male, that one will take up residence in the den.
  Often trolls never make it past simply finding eachother, which helps keep this long lived species from becoming over populated. If an area does become over populated with trolls, they will often begin to clash with eachother, worried over finding future mates and food. Once the violence between trolls begins over territory, often it ends with the strongest troll family remaining, now residing in the best den in the area.
  Trolls are often only conserned with food and comfort, they enjoy a lazy lifestyle but are also conflictingly driven by a nearly insatiable hunger. Trolls would turn on their own family units after an extended time without food. This creates a horrifying monster, as trolls that consume an entire another troll themselves are mutated. These trolls grow into a huge size towering at 25-30 ft, and are driven mad by a absolutly insatiable hunger, and a craving specifically for troll and giant flesh.
  Trolls are believed to be some ancient form of giant that were influenced by an extended time underground in the Feywild. They still live in the Feywild, but many found the the cracks and thinnies to travel to other planes and places. Trolls have sharp teeth, and terrifying claws. While a troll with a full belly, or plenty of food can be reasoned with, one that is hungry is likely to view others a food, making approaching a troll a very unpredictable experience. Trolls eat meat, lots of meat, they will consume a creature bones and all and are well known for just eating creatures raw, sometimes still alive. Sometimes they develop methods of preparing their food, but its rarely more complicated then either boiling or roasting it.
  Some trolls may end up convinced to assist someone who can offer it enough food, and can be used as guards. They are likely to remain anywhere they can remain comfortable and well fed. Some may find lesser beings that they can intemidate for regular offerings of food. Trolls can be both benifical and a terriable liability to have nearby. Trolls do not understand the concept of trading, they can understand taking, and being given something, or perhaps even sharing among their own family, but the idea of letting go of something they think of as theirs is not a concept they are prone to understanding.


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