The Coos Guild Organization in Eldridth | World Anvil

The Coos Guild

A high quality craftsman’s guild based in the city of Coosyork. The set the standards of production for the city, and ensure all industries meet these standards. The main three are the woodworkers, Weapon smiths, and armours. Beyond that it extends to blacksmiths, carpenters, and even tailors. If an industry wants to begin in the city they must go through the guild.

A few hundred years back, the town had become a center for craftsman, and the high quality goods, attracted several sub par craftsman. To prevent the reputation of the Town's high quality goods from being effected, the Marshal approved the creation of the Coos Guild, a organization of master craftsman who determine the standards by which craftsman build and sell their wares within the city.

The large Guild Hall, serves many purposes, offering apprenticeships, registrations, inspections, some crafting area's, even a shop for selling the highest quality goods produced by the Guild Master Craftsman from different disciplines.

Many different artisans, Craftsman and assembly businesses are built up around the Guild hall. Unions have also formed in the town in an attempt to stand up for individual rights against the Guild, though for the most part they cooperate for the betterment of the local crafts people. A few neighborhoods have also built up around this, with small restaurants, and small localized taverns.

The Guild Master of the Coos, is the head of the Guild, below him is the Council of Master Craftsman, one from each disciplinet. Each is elected by a vote of all master craftsman in the guild every two years. Beyond that each discipline has a Master Craftsman on a ruling council elected by its own members. The guild inspects all goods being exported from the city to ensure quality. Shipments carrying the Emblem of the Guild fetch much higher prices around the contient.


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