The Church of the Light Organization in Eldridth | World Anvil

The Church of the Light

Worshippers of Pentharion, and His Pantheon. This is the second most common religion in the land, and first outside of the Oryn Empire. The priests of this religion learn about several of the Deities within the Pantheon, and can provide any number of services for each Divine Worship. Most people trust these priests to guide them to the correct divine to worship. The church is made up of Priests, Clerics, Paladins, Monks and Worshipers.

There are Churches of Light scattered about the world, it holds no true hiearchy, and It takes only a blessing from a Priest of the religion to join in any capacity but priest, and the agreement and witnessing of five priests to raise one to Priesthood.

The Church itself is vastly different in different regions, as its loosely governed nature leads to local biases and beliefs melding with the faith of the local priests.


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