Satyrs Species in Eldridth | World Anvil


Satyrs are true hedonists, they believe life is for living and rarely think ahead further than the next scrumptious morsel, tantalizing sensation, or exciting guffaw. Most satyrs simply wander wherever their whims take them, following impulses and living off the land. When they congregate, it’s usually for a “revel”. Revels are parties, where satyrs can spend weeks indulging in every sensation imaginable before finally settling down in the rubble. Not all satyrs are entirely devoted to partying though. Some form druidic circles devoted to restoring and nurturing wildlife (especially fixing up after particularly ruinous rollicks). Some also become explorers, bards and storytellers. These adventurous satyrs spread stories that expound their carefree philosophies as far as they can travel.
  Satyrs were originally denizens of the Feywild, and some still reside there. However, the sheer amount of revels, indulgences, and parties in the Material Realm by its inhabitants lured many Satyrs to journey from their home plane to the Material Plane, where they reside today, making merry in the forest and trying to spread a good time wherever they venture.
  Satyrs can live in small clans of about a dozen to two dozen, though they are independent and view such gatherings as temporary at best, and tend to move on alone after a period of time. They can make their homes in small burrows in or under trees. They also have been known to make homes in caves, as well as comunal housing in side of cities, often taking a room to themselves. They always keep their stock of food and drink filled to the brim, though they rarely stay home to partake of it, often going out to celebrate at some massive revel or explore the world for new experiences.
  Satyrs resemble slightly stocky humans with furry lower bodies and cloven hooves similar to that of goats. Their hair ranges from the more common brown to hues of reddish orange and the rare white. They usually sport bushy beards, or at least a goatee. Satyrs' eyes are usually blue or brown, however some satyrs have yellow eyes that resemble a goat's. Hedonistic by nature, satyrs are always searching for parties to crash, beauties to woo, and songs to sing. Satyrs are known to celebrate any festival they can find and even invent one or two just as an excuse to make merry.
  Satyrs may gather together for short periods of time, often to drink and revel together. The More Satyrs that get together, the longer this party may go, and it may take several weeks for it to begin to calm down, and perhaps even longer to recover from it afterward, but often the Satyrs will simple part ways afterward, looking for new fun else where.
  No place is home for a Satyr for very long, as they enjoy finding new pleasurable experiences, and will eventually follow a rumor or perhaps even a pretty face or voice off to a new place.


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